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(Archived) Notes and Images


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Hey guys,


I am a great fan of Evernote and use it daily for college and everything else. I was just wondering if there is how to resize an image I drop in my notes. Sometimes they are just huge and kind of messes my entire note. It would be nice to have some control points on the corners so I can adjust the size of the images and maybe some text wrapping function.



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  • Level 5*

Hi - if you search around the forums you'll find that there are several things Evernote doesn't do well,  and 'page layout' even at this basic level is several of them.  You can layout pages in Word or your WP of choice and embed those documents,  you can output those to PDF or JPG so you can see the page in full;  or you can snip smaller pictures.  Those (I believe) are the only choices..  although a better editor has been on our collective wish list for - ever.

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