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(Archived) Evernote MS Office Preview vs. Icon View Issue

Gabriel Boisvert

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Has anybody else encountered any unusual behaviour when adding MS Office documents to notes in Evernote for Windows?


Since the MS Office preview feature came out, it seems like a preference for icon view (vs. preview view) is honoured, but that the icon is stretched to the size of a document preview. (see attached)


NOTE: [Options > Note > Always show PDF documents as attachments] is checked


This happens under Windows 7, Evernote versions 4 and 5.


I'm in the process of troubleshooting this with support now (having ununistalled and reinstalled Evernote and rebuilt the database), but have been surprised that nobody else is reporting this behaviour.


The only other factor that might contribute is that notes are accessed and editing from a variety of platforms (i.e. Windows, Mac, iOS, etc.)


Can anybody else reproduce?



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