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(Archived) [Beta]: Bug in Sync Item



The new beta features a new design. If you start the application, the "sync" icon in the title bar has the new style too. If you start sync, it gets replaced with the old icon and doesn't switch back. Please see the screenshots in the attachments for a before and after of the bug.

Also, I'd suggest switching to a different method of animating the sync icon. After investigating the application bundle, I noticed the animation is done by 12 keyframe images. You just view a twelve different images one after another like in a cartoon.

Instead, you should use CoreAnimation for rotating the sync icon. This would give you a very smooth animation and make the client look much better.

Code for this would look similar to this:

CABasicAnimation* anim = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotate.z"];

anim.toValue = 2*M_PI;

[theSyncIcon.layer addAnimation:anim forKeyPath:@"transform"];

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