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Posts posted by CHQ

  1. Uninstalling/reinstalling EN desktop version did not work for me. I started having data loss problems on Notes without tasks before it extends to Notes with tasks. Eversince I move onto Web version, I notice the data loss issue has improved alot but it may still occur especially if my Note contains images. It would now give me the circle of death loading image and again, History does not help to restore anything.


  2. 12 hours ago, s2sailor said:

    Any chance the note was open on both desktop and web on the same device, or open in a second window?

    Nope, it’s either desktop OR web in my use case. Opening the same Note on both desktop and web (even on same device) would result in multiple me, isn’t it? I tried that before, and saw another me on the same Note which makes logical sense. But in the case I described earlier, it’s solely 1 session on that 1 note on 1 device. I should add that it happened very quickly - with my avatar appearing and disappearing within seconds. Occasionally, I would also see a red cursor coming up on some parts of the Note saying “user XXXXX” (XXXX being user ID) just like how it would on a Google doc except this is way more clunky.

  3. 7 hours ago, s2sailor said:

    Was the same note open on another device?  I think that would be the only way you would see another “me.”

    Nope, I’m the only user on the Note, and I made sure to use it on 1 device at any 1 point in time intentionally  - precisely to avoid “multiple me” situation or anything that might potentially cause data loss; but still, data are lost right after entry.

  4. On 5/22/2023 at 12:26 PM, CHQ said:

    I'm facing the same problem too. This was all after the latest launch of RTE. Lost several notes 2weeks ago and was careful not to pop up the note in a new window thereafter so that there is no "multiple me" working on the same note. Just purely typing on the first note > move to a second note > type on the second note > move back to the first note > viola! content on the first note that were typed few minutes ago were all gone.

    Reported to Evernote 2weeks ago but have not had any resolution since. Only an email response saying they are seeing more ticket volume than usual and have escalated my case to their technical support team. 

    Super frustrated. Been an Evernote user for >10yrs and a paid subscriber. Appreciate if anyone can crowd source possible solutions or workarounds, else not being an Evernote user is the only option left.

    Just an update: Evernote Support contacted me regarding their attempt to recover images that I have lost and I recently found a newly created Note containing some of the missing images. So I do believe that the team is doing whatever they possibly can to help recover IF you have reported the issue. However the missing texts are still yet to be recovered, and new images and texts are still missing right after entry, just like many who have expressed so. This is for both Notes with Tasks and without Tasks.

    I have given up on the desktop version - the same happened with 10.58, if not worse. Many times I saw another “me” appearing on the same Note when I’m the only user using that Note, and it’s not a shared Note. OR the circle will keep spinning & loading & Evernote would just hang up on me. Having said that, I do observe an improvement recently with the web version. So far, the content are still there (fingers crossed still!), compared to the web version 2 months ago where data would still be lost right after entry. Not sure why there would be a difference - maybe some of the experts here might know? So for those who are facing an issue with the desktop version, you might want to give the web version a shot & see if it works better for you?

  5. On 6/27/2023 at 12:28 AM, gazumped said:

    Hi - it means you're in a 100-200 million user queue as the update is rolled out.  Jumping the queue is easy - download and install the new version directly from Evernote.com.

    Hmm…. I would have thought that “as the update gets rolled out”, Evernote would get updated automatically. Checking for updates manually by clicking on “Check for Updates” would be considered as jumping the queue. LOL. Oh well, I took your advice - uninstalled the version I had, downloaded & reinstalled the latest version directly from Evernote.com - and the same problems exist: 1) content missing right after moving to another Note even though it says “All Changes Saved”. 2) Note History did NOT capture anything.

  6. 13 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    I've now experienced this, simultaneously with a rather nasty mix of other problems, and posted the whole business here:


    Thanks for sharing @Dave-in-Decatur. I have not experienced misplaced content (or maybe I haven't noticed yet?) but I'm still facing continued content loss.

    Have also observed that this is in spite of Note status showing "All changes saved" on my first Note before I moved on to the second Note and came back to the first. Another strange one is that the content I typed previously were not found in Note History either. There were multiple history versions, but none were meaningful enough to be restored. Wonder what change were saved originally...? Most recently, my deleted Tasks are still found in my open list, but I think I can deal better with deleting Tasks/Notes again vs content loss.

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  7. 10 hours ago, gazumped said:

    It's not unreasonable to take a while to investigate an unusual issue - have you reminded them via the ticket that you're still waiting for a resolution? Apart from that I see no magical way to resurrect missing notes unless you have a backup copy somewhere.

    Back up and restore your data in Evernote for Windows

    Agree that it'll take a while to investigate. Just that what seem to be an unusual issue seems to be getting more common....? It happen to almost every Note I have worked on since this occurs - both existing and new Note; and it's getting to a point of being unreliable that I cannot trust what's in there anymore. Pardon my ignorance, is there anyway one can download an older version of Evernote before RTE release? I might do just that to see if it works.

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  8. I'm facing the same problem too. This was all after the latest launch of RTE. Lost several notes 2weeks ago and was careful not to pop up the note in a new window thereafter so that there is no "multiple me" working on the same note. Just purely typing on the first note > move to a second note > type on the second note > move back to the first note > viola! content on the first note that were typed few minutes ago were all gone.

    Reported to Evernote 2weeks ago but have not had any resolution since. Only an email response saying they are seeing more ticket volume than usual and have escalated my case to their technical support team. 

    Super frustrated. Been an Evernote user for >10yrs and a paid subscriber. Appreciate if anyone can crowd source possible solutions or workarounds, else not being an Evernote user is the only option left.

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