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Benito Epominati

Level 2
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  1. Benito Epominati's post in Bugreport: New autoformatting messes with Codeblocks was marked as the answer   
    Fixed in Evernote 10.91.1* with the update that formats and highlights code blocks. Well done, Evernote!  Now please add Julia to the list of supported languages. I mean, you already added Haskell... 🙂 
    * 10.91.1-win-ddl-public (20240604023825)
    Editor: V 178.10.0
    Service: V 1.109.4
    Update: Although the automatic reformatting of -> etc. has been removed, the font used, still causes minor issues. Namely, the ampersand symbol for e.g. && boolen operators etc. is set in a font that is typically only used for comments. See example below.

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