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Agent Smith

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Everything posted by Agent Smith

  1. It is very irritating that I can’t disable the IOS and Android app from making random hyperlinks to things that I don’t want to be hyperlinks. I feel a non-hyperlink should be the default and if a select a section I can press something to turn it into a hyperlink if I do choose. In the current note I’m working with I’m trying to enter the date range “2.15.23-4.22.23:” and it automatically make it’s a hyperlink even though it means nothing outside of the plain text I want it to be. If I accidentally touch it it tries to bring up my dialer as if I’m trying to call someone with a date range…. I tried to hold down to select it and than click the “…” and I select the unlink option but it I enter anything else anywhere else in the note it will simply turn back into a hyperlink. Why is this a feature that can’t be turned off? I have searched everywhere and can’t find anything that says it can be disabled. All I find is 100s of posts from angry people saying they want this feature ranging from today all the way back to 2013 and ever older than that. How is this not an option yet? I’ve just started my infosec journey and have been studying so I can make a career change and have been using Everynote a lot more again because I wanted to get more familiar with it so I can use it to document pentesting but things like this make me think that sticking learning a whole new software that is more commonly used instead of sticking with the minority that is using this app in their job will eventually be easier. I really like Evernote but this is an issue that continuously has frustrated users for over a decade now and it’s still not addressed as for as I can tell.
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