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Posts posted by nodisplaynamesleft

  1. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    The number of devices is limited - that is one of the main restrictions of the Free plan. 

    For me it doesn't combine when people take it for granted that an app can be used indefinitely for free, and when they violate the restrictions they call "FOUL", because the violated the rules "just a tiny little bit". Nice try to use different browsers for the web client - but an access registered on Firefox will not show in Chrome. Chrome will show itself to EN as another "device". Bang, violation, where is the issue now ? EN did everything right, it just counted what was going on, and kicked in.

    So, it is the time for patience now (30 days), or for a subscription to lift the ban earlier.

    About the rest:

    Home was editable for the test period granted to all users when it launched. It was communicated from the beginning that edit options will be based on subscription levels once the rollout ended. And so it happened ...

    Note restrictions are on Free, sure. EN is a cloud service. Every piece of data stored needs a physical counterpart, every account needs it as well. AFAIK EN runs a number of accounts on the same physical server in the data center, so every user occupies a share of a real computer, somewhere in a rack. This stuff costs money to buy, and to run and maintain. Sure they need to restrict things for non paying users !

    That's the same for the device limit: If they tell it is there, but don't enforce it, it wouldn't be worth something. As longs as a user doesn't step over the line, nothing happens. I have a secondary Free account since years - I never managed to get it locked.

    If you decide to subscribe now or not is up to you. Here are only other users, and we really don't care.

    You wrote ... Nice try to use different browsers for the web client - but an access registered on Firefox will not show in Chrome. Chrome will show itself to EN as another "device". Bang, violation, where is the issue now ? EN did everything right, it just counted what was going on, and kicked in.

    I was not "trying" to do anything. I'm on my desktop, which is ONE device, and happened to be online with Firefox one day and Chrome the next.

    NOwhere does it say that Evernote counts different BROWSERS on the SAME computer as separate devices. That was some kind of wrong on their part.

  2. 1 hour ago, gazumped said:

    Hi.  You could probably have found other rants across the Forums had you searched.  I can't be bothered to link to the last time I posted a summary of the situation (which was yesterday) so here it is again.

    AFAIK Evernote tries to recognise devices by IP address - which is far from an exact science.  You can use the same device to connect from home and work and create "two" device records without any problem.  If you get a device warning - or suddenly find that you just can't log into Evernote the device limit may be the issue

    Free users are limited to connections from two devices per month,  with the possibility to remove device(s) also limited to 2.  Evernote emphasize that any form of regular use of the app really requires a paid subscription.  Web access via Evernote.com counts as a device.  Remove devices here: https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action

    Once the device limit is exceeded the account is effectively locked.  There are 3 ways to access notes - 
    > Subscribe - even if only for a month (if that option is available).
    > Wait out the current month - access to remove devices will come back after a period
    > Set up another free account to use in the meantime

    More here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068


    1 hour ago, gazumped said:

    Hi.  You could probably have found other rants across the Forums had you searched.  I can't be bothered to link to the last time I posted a summary of the situation (which was yesterday) so here it is again.

    AFAIK Evernote tries to recognise devices by IP address - which is far from an exact science.  You can use the same device to connect from home and work and create "two" device records without any problem.  If you get a device warning - or suddenly find that you just can't log into Evernote the device limit may be the issue

    Free users are limited to connections from two devices per month,  with the possibility to remove device(s) also limited to 2.  Evernote emphasize that any form of regular use of the app really requires a paid subscription.  Web access via Evernote.com counts as a device.  Remove devices here: https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action

    Once the device limit is exceeded the account is effectively locked.  There are 3 ways to access notes - 
    > Subscribe - even if only for a month (if that option is available).
    > Wait out the current month - access to remove devices will come back after a period
    > Set up another free account to use in the meantime

    More here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068

    Yes, I've gathered all of that, and thanks for your answer.

    I've been on Evernote with off and on use for many years, and watched it improve with some great features only to have those features taken away. I'm ALL for adding the features and telling everyone, here they are in this upgraded level. But it just feels stinky to give us the features saying they are free, let us save a ton of notes and become reliant on the app, and then take those things away, moving them to an upgraded level. Like a bait and switch.

    It was inadvertent use of one browser vs the other yesterday, Evernote did NOT recognize my same IP address on the desktop and kicked me out even tho I had removed it from my Android and was following the rules.

    So, bait and switch and then forced me out.

  3. I was rebuilding and cleaning up notes and turns out I had Evernote on my Android phone, iPad, and use the Web Client. I successfully unsynced from the Android phone, leaving (correctly) my iPad & the desktop.

    I used Firefox to log in yesterday and was on my iPad earlier...all was good!

    Then, today, I used Chrome to log in on Evernote (same website tho!) and it flagged me as using a 3rd device! When it told me to unsync, I chose "unsync a device" not understanding yet what was going on ... I could see TWO web clients (must have been Firefox yesterday, Chrome today) along with the iPad. But what??? It's the same exact desktop, I have no other!

    Because, in my cleaning up, I had used my 2 syncs, it forced a log out of my desktop web page ... SO, I went back to my iPad and it forced the exact same logout of my iPad!

    So frustrating! I was only on two devices, just one device doesn't have the app and I was logging in on the website.

    Come on.

    Now I see in order to get live chat or any kind of support from Evernote, I have to upgrade for it ...

    Srsly, you gave me a beautiful customizable home page, then took it away.

    You limited my note sizes, and continue to take things away from me and force me out of my own legit devices ... to force a dollar??? Doing this to thousands of us, no doubt.

    Funny thing, through my cleaning up my own notes this week I was thinking I liked the app (even with your shenanigans) to go ahead and subscribe ... now this, forcing me. Not any more.

    I am sorry, fellow evernote users, for the rant. I'm just so frustrated. If anyone is still with me, is there any undoing this besides paying for a month and then transferring all my info to another app?

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