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Everything posted by FloFTV

  1. Bonjour éléphant rose, Ca y est, je suis revenue en France. J’ai allumé mon ordinateur sans me connecter à Evernote. Puis je suis allée sur chacune de mes notes que j’avais modifiées avant mon départ (étoile bleue). Puis j’ai synchronisé et connecter mon ordinateur. C’est Ok, j’ai récupéré toutes mes anciennes notes. Merci à vous ! 🙏. Bonne journée . Florence
  2. Hello PinkElephant, thank you for your answer. I am Always in spain si I cant see if tour solution is well. On this sunday, i will be black in France and I will try.
  3. Hi, From home in France, I worked on my free Evernote account locally on my PC on February 5th and made a lot of edits to my notes. On February 10, I opened Evernote on the web from Spain. All the changes I made on February 5 in France were not synchronized. Usually, the synchronization is done correctly. How do I retrieve my changes from the 5th? Thank you for your help. Florence
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