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Everything posted by bbois17

  1. While I appreciate everyone else's answers, this is exactly what I was looking for. It'd be nice if there was a way to do this natively in EN, but this absolutely works for my purpose. Thanks for the help and thanks for showing me such a useful application!
  2. There may be an answer to this already; I just wasn't sure how to word it, and every way I've attempted to word it, I couldn't find an answer. With that in mind, is there a way to make a specific word a permeant note link? I'm taking notes in a psychology class, and specific phrases pop up often. I want them to link with each other automatically. I mean having a specific word (or set of words) that automatically links to a particular note. For example: On one note, I'm discussing reliability vs. validity. In that note, there are several instances where "sampling bias" comes up. I want "sampling bias" to be automatically linked to my note, "various biases to be aware of." This note will contain every single bias I need to know about. So every time I type "sampling bias," regardless of which note, I want it to link back to that list of biases note. Is there any way to do this?
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