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Posts posted by nothgirl

  1. If the reason for not making PDFs display immediatly upon opening the note, is due to the delay caused while downloading, and the space that downloading a PDF takes up, then how about just displaying a much higher res thumbnail inside the note? With the option to then download the actual PDF if required.


    This should enable you at the very least to work out if it's the correct PDF before downloading it, and could also allow you to read the document without needing to download and open the full PDF.


    A low quality JPG, with the resolution of the iPhone screen would surffice, and would be about 20kb, vs over 10 times that for the full PDF.


    With this method, you'd quickly be able to view the file, and often probably not need to actually then download the full PDF.

    That would be simply excellent!!!  :D

  2. What's "interesting", or rather depressing, is that any file is opened with the speed of lightning in dropbox. High-res pictures, pdf:s and doc:s are displayed all in the blink of an eye. So, it's the app, not the files or the iPad. And why, why, why display both folders and sub-folders? Very annoying, as it keeps me from creating the order I want in the desktop version, since multiple sub-folders make it's so hard to find the files on the iPad.

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