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Everything posted by avmiz

  1. I'm pretty sure that email doesn't exist. I've sent two emails there with no reply (it's been 3 days)
  2. Yeah, sure, if only their support actually provided any kind of useful assistance.
  3. We have so many sync issues with our team. I made a ton of updates today on Windows 11 latest desktop version. Team came online after I stopped working and couldn't see any changes in the web version. Only way to get my changes to sync was to restart my computer. It's the second time I've had to do this in a week to see changes others made or for them to see changes I made. Some team members using Windows Desktop, some Mac, some browser, some in Linux using browser. I can't be restarting my computer every few hours to get changes to sync. It's truly awful. We switched to Evernote from OneNote a few months ago because OneNote web is not usable. Notion doesn't have 2fa, but I've also read that they have tons of sync issues. I'm very close to just porting everything into google docs and as annoying as it'll be to link docs, at least Google knows how to sync properly and handle simultaneous editing.
  4. If an employee leaves and we remove their access to our Spaces, will the Space and/or its Notebooks / Notes disappear from the user's Evernote desktop app or will they still have access to all of the data?
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