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Everything posted by Belsevy

  1. Thanks for your input @PinkElephant I agree that the page is a mess with a lot of other (useless) content which may be confusing for the clipper. It's clear from what you pointed out, and from my own experiments, there there is a specific, possibly non-visible, piece of content or code on the page that triggers the error message. The strange thing is that this happens on *ALL* pages of that website, so it must be an element that's common to every single page, which leads me to believe that this was done intentionally, hence my question. Like I said, I'm not a technical person and my knowledge of HTML is limited, but what I find curious, when I look at the code on those pages, is that there are many references to Evernote in the HTML, like this one for example: <script src="https://app-sj09.marketo.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js" async="" defer="" data-evernote-id="1628" class="js-evernote-checked"></script> I don't know what all those lines of code do, but this is why I was thinking they may be blocking the clipper with some sort of script. Anyway, I appreciate everyone's feedback. Even though I don't think there is a solution to my issue at least I've established that I'm not the only one with this problem. Thank you
  2. Thanks for your input @gazumped I was trying to save the whole article. I tried 'Article', 'Simplified article' and 'Whole page' but none of them work, I also tried 3 different browsers (Safari, Chrome & Vivaldi). I can clip a paragraph or a screenshot, but that doesn't help me. I want the whole article and I want the content to be searchable in Evernote. Also I can't download the page as a PDF because it requires a paid membership which I don't have
  3. I'm not a technical person so please forgive my ignorance, but is it possible for a website to pro-actively disable the clipper function? I used to be able to clip pages from the InsiderIntelligence/eMarketer website (example https://www.insiderintelligence.com/content/amazon-loses-steam-2022-expect-quick-recovery), but recently I've been getting an error message on this website and ONLY on this website saying "Clipper has encountered an error. Internal error occurred" I can't make sense of the error log, this is what it says: ERR: 17089298: Could not create note, error: o:{"errorCode":11,"parameter":"Error processing document: Invalid img src attribute:data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"%0A width=\"470\" height=\"516\" viewBox=\"0 0 470 516\"%0A preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"%3E%0A %3Cg transform=\"translate(0.000000,470) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)\"%0A fill=\"%23000000\" stroke=\"none\"%3E%0A %3C/g%3E%0A%3C/svg%3E"} Anyone have any idea what may be happening here?
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