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Everything posted by tylerlchase

  1. Obsidian does this very well, also. I used Obsidian for a few months before I hopped over to Evernote. I was at the very beginning of my PKM/Task Management journey and was just app/tool hopping honestly. I've been using Evernote for several months now and have 971 notes, way more than I'd ever had anywhere else. Now that I've actually stuck with one tool for a while, I've actually been curating my system and process to a usable process that I don't see myself deviating from much, even if I switch tools. All that being said, I've been considering very seriously for the last week or so to switch back to Obsidian for this purpose. I love the linking and collapsible bullet point structure of Obsidian. I'd love if Evernote adopted this function and I'd probably not switch. As of right now - I'm fairly certain that I'll be switching within the next few weeks unless there is a miraculous upgrade which includes these functions (doubtful).
  2. There exists the ability to "Copy To". Here's a solution proposal Leave the Duplication function as it currently is (an exact duplicate (other than the additional "copy" text in the title"), which includes the same creation date as the original Change the "Copy To" function to be able to copy to the same notebook that you're currently in, but with an updated creation date to be the date that the copy was created I think this would resolve the issue.
  3. Is this still on the radar? It's been a year since you posted this reply and I've not seen any movement on it.
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