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Everything posted by kubda

  1. Dare I say that this started working for me again? Same version of evernote. I used to lose data daily and I haven’t lost anything at all in the last week with no lock ups.
  2. @PinkElephantThat help link does not work for me. I am genuinely curious if our experiences are different and it is clear it is working for you. Can you help me understand the difference? Step 1: copy the note into a new note. As I read it, the link implies another note within evernote rather than an alternative note taking tool. As Evernote becomes completely unavailable to me, I must use another note source and not evernote. Is this what you mean? Step 2: reboot - this has never helped me and often ensures losing the portion of the note for sure. Your experience? Step 3: reinstall evernote - I am already at the latest version. How many times do I reinstall before deciding this is silly advice other than the obvious, keep software updated. I think it is possible to lose multiple notes. I try to manually ensure almost everything I type syncs but occasionally I forget. When I forget, I often lose data but don’t realize it till I come back a few days later and see a half dangling sentence. I have not lost whole notes before, but I have found that I have lost chunks from more than one note at a time when I forgot to double check the sync a few times in a row. A shutdown or ipad app close out will delete evernote without my realizing it was hung. I’ve been slowly moving to notion and so far, I’ve not lost any data to a bad sync no matter how mindless I am with the sync.
  3. Yes, I have submitted two support tickets and simply received the information above as the only “solution”. They say they are working on it.
  4. @JudgeJosh - Glad you got the issue solved. I am already on 10.41 and have not had similar luck.
  5. .This is just gets worse for me. I am losing a lot of data every time I use evernote. @PinkElephant, the help link you’ve listed above doesn’t work for me. I can’t keep rebooting and reinstalling anyhow. I can copy and past into another location but that really means I copy and paste everything … currently into Notion. Am. I missing something? When I’ve been working on something for some time, copying it all back and forth, seems also unreliable. I will make a mistake at some point. Evernote, used to love you, can’t take it anymore. I am looking at Notion and Joplin as a total replacement.
  6. This bug robs me of data continually. The workaround is basically to use another tool and copy back to evernote. I was wondering about just switching to an alternative tools like “notion”. Has anyone tried other tools with or without favorable results?
  7. Yes, this is exactly my experience except that my primary evernote interface is through the ipad.
  8. I have thought about sending this back to support but it is a difficult issue to prove. With my first support experience, I felt I somehow needed something more definitive. The data is lost as if it was never there so a version history does not help. Its usually “only” a few sentences or paragraphs that get lost, as opposed to a whole note. It is not explicitly reproducible. Even though it happens regularly, it seems like the only trigger is time. I tried all the suggestions (reinstalling evernote, reading unhelpful syncing notes, doing more manual syncing). I will try reporting it again with a link to this forum.
  9. I opened a support ticket on this issue about a month ago, when the problem was not so frequent. Support was unable to understand the problem, perhaps didn’t read my emails, and assumed I did not know how to ensure a document synced. I received endless notes on how the syncing works; something I am very familiar with and gave up trying to explain.
  10. Thanks - it is at least a work around. I’m not using multiple devices so having evernote actually remove content that could just be left in the note feels really painful.
  11. This is happening to me repeatedly on ios. Its worked for a decade before without this problem. Support was unable to understand my issue. I am losing data, sentences and paragraphs, daily. I am now actively looking for a replacement to evernote.
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