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Everything posted by Jerod.gann

  1. @PinkElephantSorry, I thought I posted in the forum for feature requests. I appreciate the advice but really my intention was to offer a potential improvement for people who love Evernote (as I do) and who don't want to look elsewhere for note-taking needs. My bad. Thanks for the response though p.s. - I think they surpassed "lean note taking editor" with features like stacks, tags, dashboard, calendar, todos, business/ organization level co-op, etc. Just my opinion but I get your point.
  2. I’m not sure how it would work. Maybe a click and drag floor divider to the content desired for columns or maybe just a line divider inserted after content. Select typed content - columns toggle - partial line appears under selected text - user is able to type above divider in columns or below in normal formatting.
  3. @PinkElephant That helps. Thanks. Although, it would be much easier to have a formatting option to select text as a whole and multiple columns similar to MS Word as opposed to copying and pasting to each cell and then having to adjust later. I realize the Evernote format may not be conducive to how MS does it, but surely they could develop a similar feature, right?
  4. I understand that Evernote isn’t a word processor, but I still use it to create documents for planning. It would be helpful for viewing purposes in many instances if there was an option for multiple columns in the note.
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