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Everything posted by Mozz

  1. Felt an obligation to chime in as the thread launcher, don't mean to ruffle any feathers. Such a seemingly simple thing could open much larger existential and human conversations which may best serve closed on this particular platform. Such as how we are to collectively agree when an individual's problem is obvious, or if that perceived problem is worthy of attention outside of a critical 'second or third world' scenario. And what exactly constitutes a first world problem, here within what could be considered a first world piece of software. That would all be treading much too dangerous language and classification, far removed from anything technical or relevant. Unless we're ready to dust off the Trapper Keeper, hole puncher, and index cards for a truly analog experience in which we have ultimate control then here we are. All together. All friendly and such. The developers were kind enough to create a space for us to voice suggestion and opinion. I'll admit that my little gripe should be way down on the list of feature implementations and bug fixes (not too far down please), but is nevertheless something that was seen. How does that fun airport saying go ... If you see something, say something? Every small and seemingly insignificant improvement contributes to the grand design. I still hold fast to my belief that one should be given option to view this greeting or not. A toggle switch. A radio button. A checkbox. Display greeting? [X] This thread alone has made robot's greeting a tad more bearable. The absurdity of our dialogue almost prompts a chuckle. I also changed my display name to Master so that when the day of reckoning comes, robot will have already been swearing fealty to me for some time. In case they attack. The robots, that is.
  2. Dearest Madam and/or Sir, I have not yet begun to rant, and I hardly call this writing. We can spend a lifetime discussing the anthropological nature of cultural customs, or bestowing points of importance to things that some people take issue with while others denote them as nonsensical and trivial. Is this not the beauty of humanity? Our differences in opinion, taste, and (for some of us) our ability to choose? My life is easy because the creator deemed it so during the time of selection. Or I overcame physical, mental, and socioeconomic obstacles to achieve such great heights that I am now awarded the luxury of submitting public support tickets on a forum for a piece of software that may or may not bring order to an otherwise chaotic world. Anyone finding themselves plagued with true and actual troubles would serve themselves well to drop everything and seek immediate assistance from a mental health professional, a counselor, a spiritual leader, or shake a fist to the creator in the sky for not having been granted a more desirable position during the time of selection. *By the way. Does anyone know how to get rid of the Good Morning (Good Afternoon/Good Evening) prompt at the top of the program? It's driving me absolutely bonkers!
  3. You... are a Genius! Also a brand new way to rationalize setting my alarm clock for 12:00pm. Today marked the last sunrise I will ever see.
  4. Dear Sir and/or Madam, This is most certainly not a joke. Perhaps I simply don't share your cheerful and buttery disposition in life. I could just be a crotchety old grump. Or I value my screen's real estate and wish to have the option of what appears on the world's most advanced note taking and productivity tool. Who you callin' Shirley? The Good Morning is hardly an offering, so much as a line of code written to dynamically display our chosen usernames in an attempt to connect with us on personal level. I'm sure it was written into the program with the best of intentions. I am also a grand advocate for the ability to choose. Until a solution can be found, I will try to adopt your optimistic outlook on the world. One in which a robot's pleasant greeting can warm the heart just as much as a hug from a loved one.
  5. Oh my goodness. I'm writing this and obsessing over the Good Morning prompt in the header instead of being productive and tackling my daily - because I'm wildly obsessive and hyperactive. Why, oh why is there not a simple toggle switch that can remove the Good Morning prompt from the header. We understand your desire to be welcoming and warm - but I'm afraid it misses the mark when we're all quite aware that Evernote has not become sentient enough to wish a Good Morning on it's own. How many times do you wish the same person a good morning in a day? 3 times? 6 times? Several dozen times? You would sound like a crazy person. If you insist on keeping the Good Morning/Good Afternoon prompt active, maybe just flash it once... like a not insane robot. Something so simple can make such a huge impact. It comes off as insincere to be quite honest. Maybe because the font is so large. If it were the same font size as the date and time (which arguably is so much more important than your software's social etiquette) then perhaps it would not be so pronounced. Reduce the font size? At least un-bold the darn thing. Give us the option to remove it all together or replace it with fun inspiration quotes that won't make some of us bash their heads against a keyboard or mobile device respectively. Because it's going to happen. Someone (me) is going to bash their head into a phone and get an eyeful of gorilla glass if Evernote wishes me one more Good Morning. Please do not be responsible for the loss of my eye. To be fair - Does anyone here actually enjoy the Good Morning prompt? Enclosed image expertly created using MSPaint.
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