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Scott Bae

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Everything posted by Scott Bae

  1. Thanks @MichaelvT was looking into that app and will check it out. @ChristianJB thanks will try that one too! 👍
  2. Thanks for the tips.. Since i use an Android tablet, any ios apps would not be an option and as you said @PinkElephant the sketch function in EN is more for drawing and still is too basic. So I will stick to Samsung notes then export as an image or pdf as needed. Thanks everyone for the feedback.
  3. Any good android handwriting apps that fully integrate with Evernote? I know some apps like Samsung Notes or Noteshelf on Android have a sharing/publish feature but that is more or less only a way backup option. I am using a company issued Samsung S6 so for work I have to use OneNote. For personal, I use Evernote. But was wondering if there was any apps that have a sync feature as well as perhaps have the ability to edit the shared note in Evernote, if needed? I know Evernote has a handwriting function (which is still clunky on android, imho) and they have compatible apps for IOS like Penultimate or Noteshelf 2 but there doesn't seem to be much for Android. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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