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Everything posted by EvernoteShruthi

  1. I'll follow your advice and see how it goes over the next few days! thanks for the tip!
  2. me too! I only use bullet points cause it makes it easier to move things around... Im on the mac app and facing the same issue... sometimes is turns into a check, sometimes its just gone with no trace....
  3. Are people still experiencing this data loss? I only started using the mac app from a week or so ago and Ive had this happen constantly.... I dont use checks, only bullet points and having a bunch of them go missing from the middle of my doc.....
  4. So I recently downloaded the mac evernote app and Im so frustrated. I organise everything in bullet points and multiple times Ive had full bullet points and sub-bullet points just disappear... in fact its more often that the main bullet is there, and then all my notes underneath it is just gone... And its not just the last thing Ive typed, ive had notes disappear from the middle of my document while things I've typed later are still there... and im having this issue both online and offline... Please help, this is making me really wary to keep using it as I dont have time to keep retyping notes and worrying if Ive missed something thats disappeared...
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