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  1. OK, I found a solution. I had to login in into my account using my browser: https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action I deleted all devices from the list. Then I opened the Apps on my new Android and on the PC and logged in again. Now it works.
  2. The locking is not the problem, it's the result. I only have two devices so there is no need to upgrade. I already wrote that the third one was an old android and that I tried to delete it. So the problem is not the device limit but that the system went into a failure-message loop during my attempts.
  3. Hi, synchronisation failes with the error message, that I have to delete one of 3 devices. I did that and deleted my old android device. Now there are my pc and my new android device and due to the free plan this should've worked. But then I hat to login again and the error message reoccurs. I had to repeat the step with deleting the old device and I endet up in a loop of error-redeleting-relogin-error-... . So I tried to use my microsoft Evernote app and there I had exactly the same problem. After a few attempts sth changed: I can't even login in anymore with neither of both devices because it tells me, I had switched between too many devices too often within this month. How can I fix that problem?
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