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Everything posted by safeaslife

  1. Oh, that's exactly the sort of thing I was looking for. Thank you so much!
  2. So, I have two EN accounts, mostly by accident of forgetting I already had one. So I have the free account I used on my tablet in college, and my current paid account I use for organizing my life. And for some reason, clipper (for Chrome, if relevant) will occasionally clip to the free account instead of my primary account, despite that I've never authorized/logged into clipper with that account. On the upside, EN isn't actually losing clips, on the downside, this is still something I'd like to fix. Caveat: the free EN account is, however, the account google / gmail is typically signed into. And I do use my google accounts to login to Evernote. Is there a way to fix this that isn't "transfer everything to my primary evernote and delete the extra"? I haven't had any luck, and it's been a sporadic and repeated frustration. Because it isn't every, or even most clips. It's like 1:10. So I have no idea what triggers it.
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