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Everything posted by Kume

  1. I am not a native speaker of English. That is why I posted this time while using deepl. I am sorry if some English is difficult to understand.
  2. Pink Elephant, ehrt74 Thanks for the advice. Quite simply, my problem is solved. My problem was that I could not open PDFs in Evernote. Pink Elephant told that when I tap on the PDF, gets a blue outline, but my problem was that I couldn't even get that outline to appear. I was using the legacy version of Evernote because I was having trouble using the lastest version. I just upgraded to the latest version and now I can open PDFs. To be honest, with each version upgrade, the Evernote software is getting harder to use, but I can't do without being able to open PDFs. This time I give up to upgrade. Thank you all for your answers.
  3. Thanks for your reply. I can't save the pdf on my device because it show nothing as the menu regarding the pdf. And that would be very disappointing to me if I could save it to my device, because the nice thing about evernote is that I can manage my data on multiple devices. I see that support is lagging on windows. Thanks for letting me know.
  4. Thanks for the reply. I try that but my tablet does not pop up. There is no response.
  5. I use evernote on my surface go. When using the surface go in tablet mode, normally a hold down on the screen works the same as a right mouse click. However, when I long press to open a pdf attached to evernote, I get no response. I want to read the pdf saved in evernote with an external pdf reader while using the surface go in tablet mode. How can I do this?
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