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Standard user

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Posts posted by Standard user

  1. A few months ago Evernote started failing as described on this post, files could not be attached (I have a Note 10 phone as that user, maybe it's not a coincidence). I used to update the app frequently, but the problem persisted for a long time (2 months~). A week ago I came back and it seems like now audios can be recorded, but they are randomly deleted after I save the changes in the note. I haven't found the pattern that's causing this, it just seems to be random.

    I'm confident to discard the following possible root causes:

    • I have plenty of space in my phone, so it should be possible to save the file locally
    • I'm paying a premium account, so the file limit is higher for me, but even with that, the audios are "small" (around ~15Mb), they are well within the margins of the the established file limits
    • I have enough space left on the cloud (More than 9Gb), so it can't be because I have filled it
    • The app is not being closed afterwards
    • None of the audios are in the thrash

    I still need to determine if:

    • It's happening both on WiFi and mobile data
    • If it's happening right after saving the note or the precise timing of the event

    I've been a user for many years now, and it baffles me to hit this bump with a service that has been around for so long (and with something that seems like a basic functionality). I hope the devs can do something about it, audio recording is a very important feature for my work life


    • Phone : Galaxy Note 10+
    • Evernote version : 10.29 (1121520)
    • Android version : 12
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