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Everything posted by ChrstnaLne

  1. At the moment, my daily checklist is pretty extensive. This is due to having tasks that have regular appearances throughout the month. It will be great to hide the task and reveal itself until its due date. Unless anyone has a workaround? Thank you
  2. Feature request: EN Forum Administrator. I came from an environment like Craft and Walling. It was very easy to submit bugs, feature requests and questions. It was also nice being heard and having your suggestions acknowledged by a member of the team. They were transparent with their plans and had a public roadmap. Maybe this is how they are competing with EN.
  3. lol more specifically, why is there a feature request. I hope they view these
  4. That's very interesting. Why is this forum here...
  5. I have to agree, collapsible sections/headers would be a great feature. It's been 3 years since this post, and it appears to be showing great support at 855 votes. Does anyone know if this has been taken into consideration by the development team?
  6. Actually, I think it will be brilliant to have an option to create a dashboard for each stack. This would be ideal as I use Evernote both for work and my personal life, but I am unable to separate the two. The "Home" page merges my workspace notebooks with my personal notebooks, but I feel they shouldn't be in the same "Home" area. I'll try to elaborate more on the idea as I continue my experience with Evernote. If anyone has workaround suggestions, I will greatly appreciate it.
  7. I agree, an alphanumeric list would be better than plain old numbered list. Can we request for this feature? I understand I shouldn't create a new thread if one is existent.
  8. I'd like to suggest the option to select our personally created saved templates when choosing "Add more" in the suggested templates area.
  9. Hello, I just created a template and saved it. However, I am unable to locate the "Templates" option within the body of a new note (as instructed here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001929488-Create-your-own-templates). Is anyone able to assist? I have also included a screenshot of my Evernote view. Thank you, Christina
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