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Amir Aether Valen

Level 1
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  1. Amir Aether Valen's post in Older version of a note synced and replaced newer version of note that I actually want to keep. was marked as the answer   
    You can't roll back to earlier saved versions of a note unless you have the Premium version, which I don't.

    But I got it resolved.

    I contacted @evernotehelps on Twitter but received no response. And also wrote to several moderators of Evernote I found scrolling through the forums, and also received no response from most of them. However, eventually I received a response from one, who converted my message to a ticket. After this, an agent from Evernote contacted me via the email I had provided in the message I originally sent. They gave my account a temporary upgrade to use the services of the Evernote Premium - specifically so I can use the Note History feature - so I can restore the previous version of the note, which I did. I hope this helps.
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