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Posts posted by MosesMoses

  1. Thanks for the guidance and the formation of this super community. Gazumped and PinkElephant I have been seeing your work here for quite a few years, excellent work, Thanks, 
    Betnel, Thank you! for the great description I will mull it over, I might not be able to use it because my Evernote database is 55GB, mulling it over,  ... I understand correctly you recommend making a copy of that database for a side-by-side situation,   ... And I have a copy in a time machine backup, 
    On my MacBook Pro running Mojave, I have Evernote Legacy - which remains an absolute ally, master archivist, and curator, - and Evernote 10.29.7-mac-ddl-public (3186), the latter not used since Jan 2022. 
    Last night I fired up Evernote 10.29.7, and it went to syncing but only up until August 2023, after 6 hours. With no offer to update and telling me it is the latest version.  I went back to running Evernote Legacy and it is still doing super fine; I am one of those folks who does not have a day without using Evernote,   
    I know that I must move forward with Evernote, so what next: download a newer version of Evernote 10 from the E website, replacing Evernote 10.29.7. 
    Best to you all, 
    • Like 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, MosesMoses said:

    My apologies if this is the wrong location to seek guidance. I stayed with Legacy on Mac Mojave, it has been excellent. I am now getting the headliner message, the message that started this chain. I am considering updating, I have interpreted that I will lose my Apple scripts and ability to format text. I use my Evernote pages in my teaching daily. I am wondering if my shortened links will break.  Any guidance is most welcome.


    Mac Mojave 10.14.6

    Evernote Legacy Version 7.14.1 (458325 Direct)

    I also have an Evernote (Electron) on this Mac, which I have not used,  Download January 2022 

    I am now getting the message for a new version of "Evernote Legacy" am checking it out, 

  3. My apologies if this is the wrong location to seek guidance. I stayed with Legacy on Mac Mojave, it has been excellent. I am now getting the headliner message, the message that started this chain. I am considering updating, I have interpreted that I will lose my Apple scripts and ability to format text. I use my Evernote pages in my teaching daily. I am wondering if my shortened links will break.  Any guidance is most welcome.


    Mac Mojave 10.14.6

    Evernote Legacy Version 7.14.1 (458325 Direct)

    I also have an Evernote (Electron) on this Mac, which I have not used,  Download January 2022 

  4. 3 hours ago, DTLow said:

    Note, version 10 is out of beta.  You might want to upgrade to the official release



    Thank you DTLow, I saw that but refrained from trying it out, as of today I am not getting Hangs with the latest Beta, this situation is a rarity  ... Grrr, it crossed my thoughts that I might have success with customizing the theme of version 6.10 GA, so going to dive in, thank you again,   

  5. On 10/21/2016 at 9:42 AM, MosesMoses said:

    Thanks for replying; I am in the same boat, it is good to know I am not alone on those days,   

    On Tuesday Evernote hanging burnt most of my plans, yesterday the efficiency of the Tag system saved my skin, C'est la vie, 

    Moved on to Beta 3, and I am currently not seeing the same frequency of hangs, notes are loading quickly in the viewing pane, including media heavy notes, 


    Ten days on with Version 6.10 Beta 3 (454241 Direct), and it is running smoothly !!!


  6. On 10/20/2016 at 9:05 AM, DTLow said:

    My devices often go wonky and I can spend hours/days researching the issue.
    I often find it easier to simply reboot the device and/or reinstall the app and/or rebuild the database.

    If you want to spend the time, follow up; even contact support.
    If you discover a bug in Evernote, post the results.  We all benefit from improving the software


    Thanks for replying; I am in the same boat, it is good to know I am not alone on those days,   

    On Tuesday Evernote hanging burnt most of my plans, yesterday the efficiency of the Tag system saved my skin, C'est la vie, 

    Moved on to Beta 3, and I am currently not seeing the same frequency of hangs, notes are loading quickly in the viewing pane, including media heavy notes, 

  7. Reflections on the Rebuild, 

    So I have another recommendation to Rebuild the Evernote Database after submitting a ticket for E frequently freezing, showing only the Title of a Note and not the contents. The RAM footprint is in the 10+ GB range. I keep Activity Monitor open if E is open to shut E in such situations. 

    I am running:

    Mac, 10.10.5
    Evernote, 6.10 Beta 2 (454143 Direct)
    44 GB Database

    E is at the center of my workflow, I teach and use it to host all content via direct links to E notes or via postach.io. Also, all my research and notes.

    I thought it remote that I would follow in the steps of those who curtail or abandon their use of E but here I am searching for other options. I do not think OneNote would support my ways of using E and I do not like the UI.  

    If anyone comes across this note and has favourite options they can share ... Thank you,

    If anyone can recommend a thread where to post this particular observation of E and request, please do.

    On occasions my workflow has been messed up  with E freezing, I am surprized I am in the camp of saying E is not reliable enough, and the rebuild philosophy with no real knowledge of what the issues are that necessitate a rebuild rather than say an intervention is not within my understanding of sustainability.

    Thanks for any feedback,


  8. All done. Thank you JMichaelTX for being so present. I had deleted a database folder -one of the numbered folders - and placed it in the Trash (MAC), for some reason upon emptying Trash, an alert warned me that the folder was still in use by Evernote (E). I could only delete said folder with E closed, otherwise the alerts.    At present, the rebuild has completed and I am running E 6.6 (Mac); the new Tag filter feature is a winner. 

    The Note Conflicts (Eight) I saw in the Crash Reports upon failure to Sync, did not produce a copy of the note with "Conflict" in the title - an event I have previously seen for conflicts.

    I will continue to try and construct a reply to "I have always disliked the potential sustainability issues with solving a database issue with "rebuild your [] database," why the whole database?

  9. I was under a little pressure to get Evernote on my Mac working again, I use EN (MAC) as my resource for all my teaching materials, so this evening I gave up reviewing the crash logs and deleting notes that produced a Sync error, I spotted 8 that I had not detected on running EN, the Crash reported a note conflict identifying them.

    I followed the instructions provided by JMichaelTX and EN (Matt W,) on rebuilding one's database. Prior to the build I re-installed EN, 

    I maintain a backup of the EN database via Carbon Copy Cloner - daily, nearly -, so I went ahead and deleted the numbered folders, kept props. Opened EN, started a Sync, and it is zipping along - Ethernet -

    After starting this EN (Matt W.) sent guidelines which included this:

    [Still using the old database]

    "Go ahead and first download the Evernote application from www.evernote.com/download and replace the previous Evernote application with this one when putting in the application folder. From there please do the following before opening Evernote:

    1. Go to Finder's menu bar > Go > Go To Folder and paste **~/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts/www.evernote.com/**
    2. You will see a folder titled **Chunks**. Delete this folder and start up the Evernote application."  

    I did not get the opportunity to try this, I am putting it here just in case another user finds themselves searching the same content I have blown way too much time on, ;-)


    P.s. I will send an Update when the rebuild is done,

    P.p.s. On the question, Has anyone ever obtained a good response from E on why a rebuild is necessary?   I am still working on it,

  10. Has anyone ever obtained a good response from E on why a rebuild is necessary? I have always disliked the potential sustainability issues with solving a database issue with "rebuild your [] database," why the whole database? I have turned to this uncertainty with E because of course I am about to rebuild a 43 GB database, something went wrong Sunday evening, one or more notes are causing an error (s), and I can no longer Sync. I have reached the point where I distinctly want to know what is wrong with the database and why a rebuild is required and not an intervention.  Deleting the possible dodgy note solved the Sync issues for about 3 hours. The 3 hours is over, 

    I found the Sync failure in the Activity log, but not sure if I can interpret it, there are errors in the times recorded, e.g., recording future times. 

    Any reflections welcome, Thanks,  


  11. Thanks for your patience while we worked on this. Direct image URLs displaying in the browser are no longer supported on Skitch. If you would like to have the image display in the browser please switch to the "Note URL" option as shown here: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s263/sh/d35dc23f-d568-4961-a6c7-c818cf744e18/7df932e5cede565e.

    Thanks for posting this info, to remove this functionality is a bad choice by Evernote but one still needs to know that available services are being downgraded, 

    • Like 1
  12. When using Marxico I can only open notes created via Marxico, I do not have access from within Marxico to other Evernotes.

    Under File, Open File is not available. Is this the current functionality or is my my setup wrong? I tried reauthorizing Marxico which did not give access.


    I have just read gock, on 03 Jul 2014 - 10:27 AM,... cleared up my issue, Thanks, Great app, thanks

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