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Jan H

Level 1
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Everything posted by Jan H

  1. Please give users the ability to create recurring tasks. Uses: Checklist of things to do each day Weekly todos Monthly todos ... and many variations of the above, though these would be a great starting point. Without this ability, I'm forced to do things in a very inefficient way, e.g., create a daily checklist, then uncheck everything at the beginning of each day to start over. Unnecessary waste of time & very clunky!
  2. Nested folders would be SO helpful. It's so intuitive and so analogous to the way we organize much of our lives: physical file cabinets, computer directory listings, email, lists of all kinds, etc. Please listen to your users on this one!
  3. I need the ability to create links within a page (e.g., a "Page Contents" link list at the top of the note). I end up breaking up long notes into several shorter notes, just to make it easier to find specific sections. This is SUCH a basic & obvious requirement of effective electronic notes. Please implement this ASAP!!! BTW, the ability to search within a note is not the same functionality. Sometimes you don't know or can't remember the terminology for what you seek, and seeing a list of page topics is immensely helpful. It's also very helpful to show the organization of the page before plunging in to reading or re-reading it.
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