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Everything posted by WhiteTigre

  1. Hari, it's actually been 1 year and almost 5 months since the early access release (https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-announces-tasks-feature/)... but hey, who's counting?
  2. Thanks for acknowledging my "stable genius" status - it's always good to be recognised. Now, can you please tell your bosses at Evernote to please give their users at least an ETA or some sort of communication about when are tasks going to be available to be integrated with a real task manager?
  3. Are y'all done whining? Tasks still haven't been made available for other to integrate with, and the Evernote team says nothing about it. I don't understand why there's people here defending it like it was your baby... Unless they're being paid to do so? Evernote communication is being done towards us users managing our tasks from Evernote per se, which is never going to happen because EverNOTE is a NOTE taking app, not a task manager. They're just trying to take some market share from other task managers, and that's a business decision that is truncating the experience for us, users who care about productivity - probably a minority. As users, we should be asking Evernote to release features that make our life easier, not attacking other users who're asking for the Evernote team to improve the product.
  4. Why do you say that it certainly isn't it a trivial matter? They already have the tasks working, and they already have an open API. It is just a matter of adding the parameters to the calls and responses. It is, in fact, trivial. The hard part has been done already, which was building the feature.
  5. This is where Pleexy comes in. The Evernote team would just have to add Tasks to the already open API, and that's about it. Pleexy and other integration tools provide a way of integrating with different task managers, and they already do so. Following the helicopter view metaphor, add a lot of jeeps in land, driving the herds... an integration tools would be the radios that provide the contact between the helicopter and the jeeps, and the API would basically be the instructions the helicopter gives.
  6. Actually, Pleexy and other integration tools already integrate with Evernote checkboxes via their API, so it's not about "opening" it, it's just a matter of adding Tasks to the ALREADY open API. This way, I can take my notes in Evernote and send my actionable items to my task manager.
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