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Everything posted by ibuljeta

  1. Thank you for this comprehensive response. I do have MFA turned on and reasonably confident nobody will be able to log in as me. Slight point of concern from my side are possibilities of breach from Evernote side, especially in regards with OCR capabilities, which I definitely like and count on, eg. bad faith actor from their side being in a position to just see some notes in my notebooks containing personal information regarding my mortgage or bills I pay and archive there. I will never store any kind of ultra sensitive information like passwords or pins there, but examples noted in previous sentence are relatively exploitable if somebody competent gains access to them. Also thanks for built in scanner recommendation, but on first glance, Office Lens does much better job keeping text clear and adjusting page layout. Maybe just need some more testing, but this was first impression
  2. Various paperwork started taking over my life, so o got an idea to start scanning it with Office Lens and storing them to Evernote notebook. Anyone using it for something like that and are there any concerns regarding security and privacy, as among other things I would store there some not so critical contracts, but which probably might be abused if somebody with ill intentions gained access to them. Any thoughts or additional information on that?
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