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Posts posted by thethomasdahl

  1. Yes, but I don't like them. I am using Tags as much as possible but find them less useful than nested folders. All I am asking for is one, just one, more level of nested folders. It will make EN so much more useful. Pleeease can I have them.. Pretty please... I am begging here..

    Of course my bigger gripe is the lack of image editing. I am saving huge scanned images totally unnecessarily. It eats my expensive bandwidth, consumes my EN allowance and simply means that synching takes longer. It takes a long time anyway. I really have no need for 2Mb snap shots of things filling up my account. I would have through EN would be happy to have less server space taken up with redundant data.. This has surprised me from the start.


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  2. I took some pictures (5) with my iPhone and uploaded to Evernote (as usual) and now, a month later, I wanted to forward them to a collegue so that we could disucss them. I really do not know if he will view on his PC or on his iPhone. However, one thing is for sure, the intention is to not kep the email after we have talked about them for a couple of minutes by phone. A simple "show me and let's talk abot it" transaction. Then delete them from his system.

    He did NOT need the images any larger than 15kB jpg files.

    I actaully wanted to keep the pictures in my EN at their full resolution as I have no idea what elese I might need them for later.

    So, he now has a 20Mb file to download which has taken 20 mins and costs him 20% of his monthly data plan on his iPhone. He is NOT happy. And it took a long time.

    This scenario happens almost daily...

    There must be some way for EN to add image re-sizing across the whole of EN for people like me..



  3. This has to be the biggest missing feature in Evernote. I take many pictures and upload them to Evernote to then be sent by email. The recipient really does not need 20Mb of email just to receive a few pictures on his cell phone. Not only does it cost bandwidth for everyone (the most expensive has to be the cell phone costs) but it must also be filling up the Evernote servers with massive amounts of data.

    What amazes me more is that they are adding less useful features ahead of getting this fixed.


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