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Everything posted by AlexJG

  1. Apologies for the bluntness, a minimal late night fast scribble message - but you could have shared the full sentence 😉 context is everything no? A much loved product, but for about 6 months I've used outlining in Notion and even in MS Word, can't live without it so it's a must have for me, make it or break it feature. As a software builder I would want to know if my users were going to leave, so I shared as I would want to have it shared to me, direct or otherwise.
  2. I think it's a complex update for Evernote given their current structure (a guess). Have you come accross the concepts of 2nd brain and 2-directional linking? I too have a very large bank of notes going back to 2003 and now as I summarise and re-write I see how much I've re-written notes. This feature I'm now using in Notion also for summarising learnings gives that immediate high-level summary of headings, and I can open up and drill down as needed. Using this in clickup the past 2 months has proven very buggy; we created an example in flutter and yes in all honesty was complicated and tricky, assume vastly more complex for Evernote depending on their code structure. Yup I'm moving on, but only for journalling for the 2-directional linking, keeping Evernote for generic capture and, due to the nice comment above I can use ms word in collab with Evernote for desktop (I personally love an offline solution and Obsidian is uncomfortable with a lot of screenshots and web clips which is my use case).
  3. Nice idea, I use MS Word rarely but in desktop then bring into an Evernote doc thanks for the share that will work for me
  4. This is a must have Team - Notion, Coda, Clickup, Fibery - all allow this with minimal charge now and note taking is not possible with it Long notes are messy, difficult to search and sort - this simple function (and I am a soft dev so yes, it's simple) allows high level overview then drill in with the simple function of a toggle or expand collapse Make it or i'm out, great product don't want to leave, but make or break - bidirectional links would be also great and should have that in this new movement towards 2nd brain and linking notes, but toggle?! You should have done this years ago Best
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