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Fredrik Andersson

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Everything posted by Fredrik Andersson

  1. Hi Evernote ! There always problem when you need to handle snapshots, you can't forward them and use them with anyone, what kind of format are they saved in ? When I do this I get frustrated, I always need to export them as a PDF file, befor the new version it was okej, but now when I need to export evert single snapshot or attachments the system krasch, please this is not efficient😔. And why do I need to export the pictures, or attachments or snapshots, this must be solved, it shouldn't matter, if id like to attache a document, snapshot what ever from Evernote the best way, just drag & drop😳andd send by email, messaging, what ever and the responder should be able to read the attachment, please solve this🙏🏻. Regards, Fredrik !
  2. Hi Evernote! Why isn't drag & drop working in general for every single occasion in Evernote, its annoying when you have an new email, and a snapshot from Evernote. You think that you can open Evernote and just push the "snapshot" from Evernote and drag it into the email. You can do that, but the responder see the attachment so small they even not can read what's inside attachment ? Please solve this shortly ! Regards, Fredrik
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