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Everything posted by SharkBike

  1. The real-time sync for notes is working great when both clients have a note open, it is much better than before. However, I have been testing task syncing and have noticed some issues when adding tasks through the task drawer and through home. If I add a task on my pc using the task drawer, it take a long time to show up on my phone and sometimes never shows up. The reverse is also true. Both the iOS and windows clients are on the latest version and I have seen the real-time syncing work on both. This is somewhat strange because if I have a note open on both clients and add a task to that note, it syncs instantly. It seems to only be an issue either adding the task from outside the note or adding a task when one of the clients doesn’t actively have the note open. My question is, is this known behavior that is not yet a part of the new sync, or is this a bug?
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