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Everything posted by LilyV

  1. Thank you so much for clarifying that! I'm still happy with one, simple feature and looking forward to using it again without problems.
  2. I have just come across this (check the attached image) while browsing EN's website to find a way to contact the customer support: It seems that they removed the PDF extraction feature from free and personal plans. It worked two weeks ago until the upgrade, so I assumed they have modified the features of each plan at the same time. How unfortunate!
  3. Exactly, Velox. That was the only way I could download the note as PDF; but I just wish this feature worked as smoothly as before. I have also used "Share" feature and can copy the shareable link with the students to avoid downloading anything at all.
  4. Hi PinkElephant, Nothing out of ordinary than my previous notes. At most I put a chart or something, but I have done it before and could extract the note as PDF without any issues. I am going to create a simple note with no templates, only plain text and see how it reacts. I don't know if I can contact the customer support directly and issue a support ticket, though...? It keeps throwing me back to Community Help (which is an awesome place to ask for help, no complaints about that, but I'd appreciate to get hold of customer service for more technical details like this)
  5. Hello, I was using Evernote and the PDF export option without problem, but there seems to be a bug with the feature now. I wonder if it's due to the recent update...? When I choose "Export as PDF", the programme gets stuck at "Generating PDF" step, and after that, nothing happens and I just have to cancel it. (see the attachment) I found a second way to save the note as PDF file on Evernote Web > Print > Save as PDF, but I would love to continue using the desktop application as smoothly as before. Has anyone else had the same issue recently?
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