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Everything posted by Volticide

  1. Yeah I hear you, you’re right. I hadn’t seen it that way…Thank you a lot again, you’ve been really helpful! 🙏
  2. Okay, thank you so much for telling me, but no worries, I’m only asked that on the official website. So, if I understand correctly, since I do have a free account indeed, I can go to hell… Great! So basically, I didn’t ask for anything and EN made it so I’m forced to pay if I just want to get my free account back… That’s genius! Yes, I’m definitely being sarcastic, but it’s not hostile, no worries, you’ve been really helpful, thank you so much for that, I’m really grateful! So, I just sent another e-mail, as you suggested, if it doesn’t work, I’ll probably have to pay, but that would really upset me since I don’t need more than a free account… Do you keep all the information you have when you switch from a free to a premium account?
  3. I don’t get it… What are these steps? When I go in the apps settings, this is what I get: "Help & Learning / Send Activity Log / Enable Menu to Send Note Logs / Automatically send crash reports", where am I supposed to go?
  4. Thank you PinkElephant, I just sent them an e-mail, I hadn’t seen the button for asking support, I’m pretty blind lol
  5. Hi, I write absolutely everything on Evernote, from the least important thing, to the things that matter the most to me. However, Everonte decided it’s time to change my password, so they tell me they "sent" an e-mail to me, in order for me to make up a new password… except I don’t receive anything. And I’m a 100% sure I’m using the right address, since it’s the exact same one I’m using in order to connect to my account as the username in the first place. Thank you in advance for your help, and before you ask, I was able to connect to a new random account in order to discuss this issue with you here, so I still can’t connect to my real account!
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