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Posts posted by loriewa

  1. On 9/6/2023 at 11:31 PM, agsteele said:

    Please DM @Federico Simionato with details including EN logs and the URL/Note ID for the affected note.


    I wish it was just one affected note...

    I am using the latest release (I think it is 10.61 something... can't check right now as EN seems to be frozen after losing the content of the note I was editing... aha, it has just crashed). So far this release is worse than ever. I am so frustrated. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    Ugh. Support is the way to go. I wonder if using the Web client (https://www.evernote.com/client/web) might be more reliable. (I have no actual idea, just a thought.)

    So far I have discovered that the web client seems to be the only reliable way to ensure that changes actually become part of Evernote. I have noticed no improvement on the desktop since updating to 10.60.4.

    I added this to my support ticket; no real response yet. 

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  3. On 7/28/2023 at 12:58 PM, gazumped said:

    also on 10.59.5 and -so far- haven't had any of the nightmare case

    Well I'm glad you haven't had any trouble... I was away from Evernote for the past couple of weeks but applied the update. Today when starting up the program  I am faced with a new and really crazy problem: when opening a notebook, Evernote goes through a very long loop of what I suppose is syncing. It shows the contents of the notebook for a couple of seconds then the circular spinning icon for a few seconds then the notebook then the circular spinner...and so forth for several minutes! Even when the notebook contains only three notes. And it is slower than ever in response. I am NOT impressed with the update (and hope that this is not indicative of the new ownership)...

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  4. This only started happening after the 'update' that included editing by multiple users. As I am the only user that should have access to this account, it is a bit concerning when at random times, a little red cursor with USER:xxxxxxx appears next to something I have typed. At other times, the cursor is blue with my user name on it. This all occurs while it is taking the note several minutes to 'accept' the entries or changes I have made. The Modified Time remains at '5 minutes ago' or 'May 10' or whenever the last time it deigned to update the note...

    I will try your suggestion, gazumped, to see if that improves the performance. Thank you for your response.

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  5. Is anyone else experiencing almost instant loss of data in notes? I have had this issue for a few days: I create or edit a note, move on to the next note that needs editing and when I return to the previous, most of the information I had entered is simply gone. There were two notes that I retyped three times before creating new note with a slightly different names and deleting the original notes. This is extremely annoying!

    The notes had not been in existence long enough to have a history, apparently, since the history returns only the mutilated version. Is there a way to do a hard "save" as soon as a note is completed so that I don't have to recreate it several times?

    Or better yet, a way to fix this annoying bug?

    Windows 10
    Evernote 10.56.9

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