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Everything posted by shinnshine

  1. I've been having this problem for months. I use evernote extremely sparingly. I actually just have one note that I use and occasionally my partner and I share a note for a packing list or something. The device that it keeps syncing is my old iphone, which my son now uses. Evernote keeps syncing with my son's iphone (my old iphone) and then I have to use one of my "unsyncs" to access it on my own device. It's not even installed on the iphone, so we can't figure out why it's auto-syncing. It does it over and over. When I just logged in, the iphone was listed 3 times! Because I only use the one note, I haven't really been burned, yet. But I have used all my unsyncs multiple times. If I can't access that one note, it will be a big issue for me. I guess I just need to stop using Evernote. Unfortunate because I actually love it for the very, very few times I need it each month. Seems stupid that there is no way to access support for a problem like this without paying for a subscription. I guess I could ask my partner (who does have a paid subscription) to ask on my behalf. Would love any thoughts.
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