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Jo L

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Posts posted by Jo L

  1. On 9/16/2021 at 1:20 PM, Jo L said:

    Hi there, I am having the same issue and I purchased the Premium version except when I click on the 'Note info' of the note that I want to access previous versions, there is no option for me to click into "View History". Can anyone shed light on this please? I spent hours working on a note and somehow it has come up with an old version without the latest "hours" worth of updates. Thank you!

    I have good news about this! Support replied to me with the reason. The note I was trying to retrieve the history from was a 'Shared Note' in a shared Notebook that I did not create. Therefore, only the creator of the Notebook could access the View History option in all the Notes inside that Notebook (which explains why I didn't see the option when I looked into ALL the Notes inside that same shared Notebook). Low and behold, that saved the day. If only I had known!  Let's just say I'm really glad that Evernote did back up the copy I need but til this day, it remains a mystery why it reverted to an old version. Who knows...but I do wish the sync button would come back! Thank you all for your help


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  2. 10 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Don‘t know if it really deletes note history when a note is moved. I have notes that I moved, and note history is still there.

    If note history is not accessible, I would first check if the subscription has already taken effect yet. To me the posting sounds like „I just upgraded“, and depending on the upgrade and payment method it may take a little until this trickles down to the user account setting.

    Yeah, I didn't move the note. It's still in the original notebook that was created.

    Even though I said "just upgraded", by the time I posted in this forum, it was hours later and as I type now, it would have been more than 24 hours since I have upgraded. I've also checked in the Account Level section to ensure I am on the Premium - I am. Yet, I checked all my notes today and the 'View History' option is not available.

    I got help from Support via the live chat yesterday and they did all the troubleshooting with me, including checking that I was on the latest version of Evernote, etc... they've team member has submitted a ticket for this to be looked into. I've just got my fingers and toes crossed that they can revive that version I need quickly as the deadline for that piece of work is getting real close now and I don't know whether to redo the work or wait for a potential solution.

    Thanks for your help!

  3. 10 hours ago, gazumped said:

    We're mainly a user2user community - Support may be able to investigate more.  If the note was moved fro one notebook to another,  previous history would be lost.

    Thank you! I did raise it with support and they are now looking into this.  I didn't move the note to another notebook so it's really strange that I don't have the 'View History' option at all in any of my notes.

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  4. Hi there, I am having the same issue and I purchased the Premium version except when I click on the 'Note info' of the note that I want to access previous versions, there is no option for me to click into "View History". Can anyone shed light on this please? I spent hours working on a note and somehow it has come up with an old version without the latest "hours" worth of updates. Thank you!

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