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Posts posted by TrainsRus

  1. I use Evernote a lot. But for any sensitive information, I store it in local notebooks. I would never trust Evernote with it given the technology deployed currently. Between hackers, the government, and court orders, I'd say Evernote can't win, although they may do a great job fighting off the hordes.

    After personal data is leaked (by whatever means), its too late for an apology, etc.

    However there are times when I am not where my PC with the local notebooks is located. And I wish I had access. Given the relative insecurity of Evernote, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. I've been considering two options:

    • an account with a service like SpiderOak, I would still keep my local notebooks in Evernote, but have them regularly backed up to SpiderOak. Then if I needed when traveling, I'd have Spideroak access on my mobile PC, along with the encryption key, and could download and view Evernote on my mobile PC.
    • Try to use Boxcryptor and move my Local Notebook directory onto an encrypted folder on that device. Boxcryptor would be linked to my Dropbox.

    Has anyone either tried either of these or have any feedback on the ideas?


    Thanks in advance!


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