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Ruud Wijnands

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Everything posted by Ruud Wijnands

  1. There is no need to respond further to any of my remarks. I am checking out here. This was my first and last experience joining the Evernote forum. I respect that people have different opinions, experience things differently, and have different perspectives on the same matter. I have no need to "be right" about something, and someone may consider my arguments flawed. That's fine. On the scale of the Universe, none of this conversation is important anyway.
  2. So aggressive. Why? Bad day? Or a need to be right? You are right my friend. If that makes you feel better, have a happy life. Maybe find something fun or nice to do or join some boxing classes to get rid of your aggression.
  3. Thanks, I have. I started using Obsidian 1.5 years ago. First, as an experiment, I learned that in parallel with Evernote use, I started using Evernote less and less. Obsidian offers many more useful features, and all of them are completely free of charge. Yet, I decided to fund the Obsidian authors and some of the plugin creators because I do not mind paying for great tools as long as it is balanced with the value I get.
  4. I am sorry, but that is simply not true and you can easily google some of the examples I gave. BUT... Let's agree to disagree. I do not need to be right about anything. I tried to answer your question and you don't recognize it or don't like my answer. Either way, I am ok with it. It's not important enough to me whether you agree or disagree. You are a happy user, and I am happy for you. The fact that I am not due to the current pricing increase doesn't need to be of concern. It doesn't make more wrong or right—I wish you a fantastic life and prosperity.
  5. Sure, that happens too. And that is great if you are a user of these features. It doesn't change my opinion that the current pricing is not worth it for me anymore.
  6. I answered the "ever" part of your question. Agree?
  7. Not sure what you mean. I mentioned several features that got changed between the models. ??? In the recent plans everything remained available. True. Again, I am a user since 15 years back. I am referring to the changes Evernote made over time that made me have to pay extra to keep using features I used. I am not necessarily referring to the current change. For the current change you seem to recognize we simply have to pay significantly more without getting any added value.
  8. Correct, as stated I have been user for 15 years. I think that counts for something. Anyway, I started with the free subscription. Evernote calls the subscription plans, even though you are of the opinion that that is not a subscription. I did not make this up. I had to move to a paid subscription a long time ago because of a reason I honestly don't remember. I only remember that I used a feature and had to move to a 35 Euro subscription (or something number in that area) to keep using it. And at the time I had no problem with it. As I said, I always loved Evernote and I have been a very happy user for many years. And I was even willing to pay double the price later, because I felt this tool was necessary for my productivity. Things really started changing when they introduced tasks and Google calender integration and increased the pricing again. I remember that the user interface became very annoying. It was constantly reminding me that I had not upgraded for that unnecessary task integration. I felt violated. Ultimately, I gave in and paid extra just to get back to a usable user interface that stopped bugging me to upgrade. Now the pricing is raised to a point where I simply do not consider it worth the money. There are many free note taking apps out there these days with much better features for the needs I have. Like note linking. Yes, Evernote has this too these days, but it was added not that long ago and the implementation is cumbersome compared to the free alternatives. It's simply not worth it anymore. It's fine if you feel different about it. That is great for Evernote.
  9. I am not sure why you are so defensive for Evernote. Evernote has different users and became big with the freemium model. I agree with you that they can do whatever they want, because it is their company. That doesn't mean their users have to be happy with what they do. I am one of those users that isn't happy and is indicating that the current pricing is not worth it for me anymore. I am sure there are plenty who are still very happy. If you are one of them, I am happy for you. Great! It's entirely up to you. Having different opinions about the value doesn't make one user versus the other more wrong or right. It's a purely personal matter. If you like their features and are willing to pay for them this much then that is excellent for Evernote.
  10. But the topic started for me with the current pricing. These were price changes in 2015 or 2016. That in contrast to the new pricing where I need to pay a lot more for features I don't use or need. The app hasn't changed much for the rest. Calendar integration and a very poor task management system are not worth that price increase.
  11. Sure. Some features that were once available in the free version of Evernote but later became exclusive to paid subscriptions include: In 2016 the number of devices to sync As of December 2023, free accounts have a new limit: 1 notebook and 50 notes; the previous free limit was 250 and 100,000 notes. Offline access: Initially, offline access to notes was available to all users, but Evernote later restricted this feature to Premium and Business subscribers. Advanced search functionality: Premium subscribers gained access to advanced search features, such as searching within attached documents and PDFs, which were not available to free users. Enhanced collaboration tools: Certain collaboration features, like the ability to share notebooks with editing permissions, were restricted to Premium and Business users. Note history: Evernote introduced a feature allowing users to access previous versions of their notes, but this was only available to Premium and Business subscribers.
  12. Oh, I am sure they are fine with the current pricing. They need a lot fewer subscribers to make the same income. And I am sure there is an audience for some of these overly priced features too. The point is that I have always loved Evernote for its simplicity. It was a no-nonsense tool. It isn't anymore. I do not feel appreciated as a long-term customer when I get a mutilated UI that continuously wants to force me to buy a more expensive subscription and where the features I had in the past are taken away and pushed to the more expensive subscription. It's aggressive and disrespectful to its users this way.
  13. I've been a loyal user since 2009. I started with 35 Euros. Then some years later it became 60 Euro with no additional features. Some years back, they again changed the pricing, and I started paying something like 90 Euros. The new pricing at 135 euros is just insane. The so-called unique features aren't unique at all. I moved everything to Obsidian. 100% free of charge. It works like a charm, and I can keep my notes stored in a free GitHub or on my Synology. Evernote has lost its mind. It has always been a great app. Somehow, they thought adding poor implementation of task management is worth extra money, or a newly designed home screen or calendar integration with Google Calendars and, recently, Outlook. Evernote.... it's not! O365 offers similar features better integrated for less. It's that I hate OneNote. Otherwise, there would be zero reason to stick with Evernote. There are tons of other free note-taking apps out there these days. After 15 years and with this price increase I am afraid it is time to say goodbye. Evernote is not differentiating enough to pay this insane amount of money for a yearly subscription. 90 Euros was already at the edge, because I felt I was paying for features I did not ask for and features that have better implementations in other tools. It's a bummer to see such a nice app go to waste. I wonder if the Evernote team still knows who their users are/were. It's a bummer that in 15 years they never once asked what features I would have like and that they somehow thought their ***** tasks management and calendar integrations were going to be a game changer.
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