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Everything posted by ExportEvernote

  1. Thanks for the tips! Your fast help is appreciated. Sorry for the simple question. I hate to bug others with my lack of knowledge but that's what forums are for right? Thanks again. I'll look into this Backuppery thing you mentioned.
  2. MUCH thanks for the assist here. It's a time consuming process that will prompt me to audit my own notes and reduce them as much as I can so I suppose that's a good thing. Evernote really should have a more customer friendly way of exporting our own data for safekeeping. Thanks again for the help.
  3. Forgive me cuz I'm a bit slow (what do you expect form an Aussie that lives on a boat in the middle of the ocean?) If you wouldn't mind, could you please, in exact and simple terms, explain the steps I need to go through to export ALL of my notebooks with the notes inside them? I see others talking about using the 'legacy client' and that is like speaking ancient Greek to me because I have no idea what that is. Any help would be IMMENSELY appreciated!
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