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Everything posted by nolan12

  1. More of a rhetorical question, emphasizing the feature I'm looking for. And maybe there's a reason why it still draws comments and posts... Kind of sick of people in these forums shooting other people's ideas down when that's all they are: ideas!
  2. Is this on the roadmap yet?! Such a huge feature for being able to test my own knowledge using my notes in real time.
  3. I see what you're both saying - but coming from using Microsoft Word/One Note and Google Docs where the default setting is auto-capitalization, having this option would make the transition easier. I've definitely just started to use Shift but I figured it would be an easy idea to implement.
  4. Please add the feature to be able to auto-capitalize bullet lists. This would be very helpful for ease and speed of use when writing out lists. See image below (second list) for sample.
  5. If this doesn't happen soon, I might go back to using OneNote where that was one of the most useful features for condensing what's visible on each note/page. Helps for practicing recall by hiding and then showing the information below each bullet.
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