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Tim H

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Posts posted by Tim H

  1. The upgrade process has now stalled me - I cannot have both legacy and V10 installed at the same time, which was a pity as I was monitoring the new version.

    I would swap over to V10 in a heartbeat if I had two options available - and these are surely not difficult to do and create just so much flexibility

    a) to be able to choose what got printed (title, backlinks (why is that even happening?!!), header, footer etc

    b) to disable auto conversion of checkboxes to checklists

    I will live with the rest! Without these, more an more of my stuff will end up outside of Evernote - causing me to question why I need Evernote in the first place.

    Just hoping someone from Evernote might hear my plea . . .

  2. "Everything seems to be about Legacy and Legacy and Legacy" - actually, it's not. I don't want the Legacy app any more than anyone else. I am usually an early adopter. Every app on my laptop is latest version. I'd love to get off that old app. But I think it is about acknowledging that different people work differently and have different needs.. and I don't see anywhere near the flexibility in v10 that I saw in the old version.. and that has me worried. It sounds as if Evernote are not listening to their users. So.. have the complaints about checklists disappeared -or is it simply that those users migrated? But as Pink Elephant says, I can live with this or go to plan B.

    (PS - I am not 'working against' the new app - but the changes I need to make to dozens of notes to allow them to work with v10 are not insubstantial.)

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  3. Federico - "that's the default behavior" - yep, I had got used to having both versions - but I read the whole text, and it seemed to me that I would get a choice about the deletion of the old version. Or perhaps I was over hopeful. Next time it pops up I will reread it.

    Pink - "Nothing of what you mention needs to be „edited“ in legacy." - that's not what I meant. If I move from legacy then there's a whole load of work to do. All my checkbox lists need to be converted to checklists - as soon as I edit one list, (and there might be several separate lists in one document) I need to edit the others or else it's a mess. My font sizes and choices need to be cleaned up - or it's a mess. And I print some of my notes for a binder, and there's a whole load of decisions about what is and isn't included in a note - like the header - so again I need to reformat my notes so it can fit on a page with the header - printing of which used to be an option not forced.

    These are minor things.. but I have tried to go forward and can't - and a couple of minor changes would fix that. At least, for me

    a) don't force conversion of a series of checkboxes to check lists

    b) make printing of the header (and the backlinks box) optional (as it used to be)

    I can't think of an upgrade to anything in the past that has needed so much work - apart from trying to create a useful clean interface when I upgraded to Windows 11. That was a time consuming task too.


  4. I did eventually get sent a link to legacy..but the links on the forum that I found were all dead.

    Definitely agree that legacy is running out of time, and I can live with most of v10..but surely I should get the chance for a managed migration. Many of my notes will need editing because they contain check boxes which will get forcibly converted to checklists on edit. Printing now demands that the note title appear, and if printing two up through system dialog, the back links appear. A lot of effort is going into things like AI cleanup (who asked for that?) and not onto simple stuff that helps people migrate.

  5. Like everyone else still using Legacy, I now get pretty much daily reminders to upgrade. Rather than defer to 'Remind Me Later' I decided to download and upgrade (I have V10 installed alongside legacy). Guess what! After upgrading V10 to the latest... IT DELETES THE LEGACY VERSION. What's more, the download links for legacy seem to have been removed. I'm not impressed. I liked legacy. The new version takes too many liberties, has too much unrequired functionality  and has too little to recommend it. There are things that we've been asking for since it was released and have never been addressed.

    • Like 2
  6. 11 hours ago, s2sailor said:

    I'll never understand why, but EN consistently shoots themselves in the foot when it comes to customer communication.  With Ian's development videos I was hopeful that would change, but I guess not.  Who releases a new software "update" that has major changes and removed function without first setting customer expectations?  A little transparency by Evernote to their existing customer base on the changes, before pushing out the new versions, should have been done.  I'm sure there are many customers out there that have "upgraded" and are now experiencing WTF moments of discovery.

    I agree - setting customer expectations is huge. Looking at the announcement again, it all sounds marvellous:

    ico-1.png Find it faster
    Get the information you need, quicker than ever with our new, smarter search.
    ico-2.png Your words, your way
    Give shape to your ideas with more control over formatting and appearance.
    ico-3.png Distraction-free note-taking
    Keep the focus on your ideas thanks to a cleaner, more intuitive interface.
      New, stronger foundation
    Enjoy peace of mind with background sync and automated app updates.

    The reality:

    Find it faster But it seems that they have drastically reduced the speed of search - it may be more intuitive, but it's slower. (Although at least when you search you are able to search the entire system not just the current notebook so that's a win).

    Your words, your way I have far less control over formatting and appearance than I did before - there are some nice little extras in there, but the control I had has gone in order to make notes consistent (if I want that, then I will choose how *I* format them, not be forced into a limited subset of options by a developer).

    Distraction-free note-taking Well perhaps, but they've still sacrificed precious screen real estate with a list of recent notes and shortcuts that makes it harder to find what I really want. I think the previous interface was pretty distraction free. Like the dark theme though.

    New, stronger foundation I think they've done that, for sure, but at what cost? Background sync? We had that. What they MEAN is that they've removed any option to 'Sync Now'. Automated app updates? Previously, I got a message, I decided whether to update or skip that update. Peace of mind? Well, think that disappeared....along, of course, with my backup process that relied on ENscript.

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  7. OP echoed. One of the problems with cross platform functionality is that the user ends up with a minimal set of functionality bringing none of the strengths of an individual platform. For those of us who primarily operate in one platform, we expect (and can deal with) a different behaviour on a second platform - I don't expect my notes created for a big screen device to be the same on an Android phone. We will see how this develops...

  8. I used to use Ilium ListPro for all my lists. I moved across to Evernote for simplicity of having a single product, but there are some features of ListPro I miss. In particular the ability to use different symbols in checkboxes - for example to cancel something (perhaps a crossed box). Would have thought this would be a reasonably straightforward add. I also miss the ability to mark priority next to an item using a number or a 1/2/3 priority - this was possible with ListPro as it was column organised rather than free text, and I could work round it using tables - although then it becomes less straightforward to add a new item - or (as I currently do) by using colour, manually, to highlight/lowlight items.


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