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Posts posted by vark

  1. Thanks @PinkElephant -- I was on an Android Pixel. Everything's fine now. I thought that I had lost my notes when I tried to merge a few together (the new "merged" note was empty, which is a bug that others have noted). So I was trying to stop my devices from syncing in order to save the merged notes, which led to the pop-up weirdness & panic.

    I found the old notes in the trash, so I was able to recover them and restart Evernote safely. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. I was attempting to unsynch one mobile device and add a new one, when I got popup boxes for the new Tasks feature. I could not clear these popups, nor could I unsynch my old mobile device. Now, when I attempt to access my Evernote account on my MacBook, I get an endless spinning circle and cannot access my notes. Please help!!!!!

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