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Everything posted by HarveyBeck

  1. Not really the same thing. I use Paperless software on a Mac. It uses a hierarchical structure and also allows me to place a file into multiple folders if I choose. It's a very different experience than using hierarchical tags. I would use Paperless in a flash on other devices except there's no iOS version. I keep hoping for a good alternative. Unfortunately, Evernote isn't it, even though I've explore it several times (including trying out hierarchical tags). I said earlier: it seems you're either a hierarchy person or a tag person ☹️
  2. Why would you assume it requires rebuilding everything from scratch?
  3. Wistfully checking again (my bi-annual check) to see if hierarchical structure is yet supported by Evernote. It seems you're either a Tag kind of person or a Hierarchy type but not both. I'd be a premium customer in a flash if it gave me the option. Just asking your paying customers what they want doesn't always work. Ask Blackberry (nee RIM), as just one example
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