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About Suraj51

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  1. Same service is provided by pleexy and taskclone but it has trial period and after that it's paid service. Todoist integration with evernote using ifttt at task level will be more than welcome.
  2. I have an issue in iOS. when I try to create task inside table in iOS it simply does not respond. I have personal templates for weekly and monthly planner, if i could use tasks inside it then it would be much more effective in scheduling. Voted for it.
  3. To make myself clear, I was talking about linking a note to other note in faster way. Option provided by Evernote to do so, is to copy internal link of the note and then manually paste it to note which is being edited. This process is bit time consuming. What I expect from developers is to simplify this process and make it more flexible It could be done in following ways 1. Modifying the existing “link” feature In above query i was talking about “insert link” tab while editing the “XYZ” note. It would be easy if internal link (of note) itself was searchable and could be added to the “XYZ” note. 2. Adding new feature 2.1 Backlinking : Apps like obsidian provide such linking in simple way. Just typing [[XYZ]]. As you type It will either find the note that resembles the header or it creates new note inside the “XYZ” note. Now the new note is a linked with back-link which makes navigation easy. 2.2 block level references : If we could only add reference or excerpt/paragraph from “abc” to “XYZ” note then it would provide much more precision to search & interlinking. This is especially helpful if “abc” note has lots of information. I have tried obsidian and these feature seem to be very useful and fast in terms of search, interlinking and navigation. it would be very helpful if Evernote introduces these features.
  4. While inserting link give option to insert internal link along with external. with internal link option give possible search results that go along with keywords. this will save efforts to manually copy the internal link and then paste it to the note.
  5. allow changing width of tables or cells in iOS iPad. provide ability to add task or calendar event inside table. ability to create table within table should be given.
  6. Sometimes its diagram or sketch or mathematical formulas that need to be drawn.. so adding sketch feature in scratchpad would be really cool. Also moving that sketch to new note or existing note would be amazing.
  7. please give extra option to move scratchpad content to already existing note. It would be even better if time and date stamp is mentioned along it.
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