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Posts posted by tonychung

  1. On 9/28/2021 at 7:28 AM, PinkElephant said:

    or try the Penultimate app.

    When Evernote bought Penultimate I was excited because I was already using it on my iPad. I was hoping for a more seamless integration of features. Maybe start a Penultimate page inside a notebook, invisibly marrying the concept of embedded sketch note within an HTML page.

    I’ve been using Evernote since 2011 and the main features that I use or would use might be highly specialized:

    Seamless handwriting / drawing and text notes (similar to OneNote, only with better organization.

    Structured notes (I like the current approach to incorporate and convert markdown format—this is a good start)

    Archive notes to hide from general search. I export my archived notes to my computer, and am thinking of setting up a second free Evernote account to transfer the ownership of my old notebooks that I don’t want to include in search. We’ll see how this goes.

    One trick I’ve learned from this discussion that I should really use more are tags. I use labels for email. Tags for notes should be a no-brainer.

    It would be cool to add a component to a note that presented a list of links to notes that contain certain tags. I use this method in Confluence at work to build streamlined tables of contents.



  2. As far as Evernote "Losing its way", I'm not happy with the new tiered plans. I have subscribed to Premium for years. Every few years, they drop features, or reduce features for my version of Premium. Now they've completely pushed my Premium down a level, but kept charging the same price. And for what? To be able to set up additional filter blocks and featured notes on the home page. Where's the love for our loyalty, Evernote? I'm still here! Customizing the home page without limitations should be a standard paid feature... after all, it costs enough. Oh well, I could rant on and on, but it will fall on deaf ears. It's like, you condition the public long enough, they believe what they're told.

  3. On 10/18/2021 at 8:57 PM, vositis said:

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all-in with Evernote.  Everything that touches my desk gets scanned into Evernote and shredded.  There are no filing cabinets in my life.  And I've tried the competitors and they are worse.

    But I am frustrated enough to be trying the competitors....


    Yes... especially that new up-and-comer Notion. I remember back in the day they weren't anything worthy of note, but they've updated their UI quite a bit and are a strong contender ... EXCEPT that Notion considers note content in the context of "blocks". You can't copy text into a Notion (mobile, iOS) window and expect to copy it back as one block. At least Evernote does that right.

    But for other things, Evernote goes just so far and then....


    Evernote technically only has one level of hierarchy within a notebook. I don't know how you're using multiple levels. The only level above a notebook is a Stack, which isn't so much a hierarchy as a grouping. Like, you can't put a note in the first level of a stack at the same level as the notebooks. And you can't house sub-notebooks inside a notebook. I'd like this to be more versatile, too, but I can see how development-wise it would be tough to manage... like a notebook version of Inception (notebook within a notebook).

  4. Hey y'all... this thread has diverged from complaining about why Evernote doesn't meet our personal needs and into political territory outside of Evernote's control!

    Can we please just refocus on demanding that Evernote build their apps to meet our particular needs so the product managers don't eventually quit in favour of drafting government policies?

    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣    🤣  

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    • Haha 3
  5. 19 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    What EN could improve: Be faster to use services offered by the OS in which it is running, and integrate them into the app. Currently the strategy  to have one unified desktop app and one unified mobile app runs against it.

    Agreed. The app could focus on maintaining parity between environments only with regards to note formatting/structuring, and use additional OS services as they become available.

    To your point about "one big app that does it all" I think that there's a way for Evernote to do enough of it all, or offer ways to do what people want without introducing friction. Handwriting/drawing using an embedded app component is a large amount of friction, whereas using tags and categories to organize notes is a better practice than multi-layered subfolders.

  6. I'm rather annoyed that longtime Evernote supporters on this thread are so arrogant as to invalidate the OP (@mnzau)'s suggestion that Evernote should support native handwriting and sketching directly within a note. While other note taking apps can perform these functions, using different apps would segment the act of note-taking into separate experiences rather than organizing everything in a single app environment, across multiple platforms.

    It's 2021. Apple has handwriting support built into iOS so we can write URLs with the pencil and not need a keyboard. If the OS can support handwriting in the interface on iOS, Android, and Windows Surface, then it should be fairly simple to harness that capability within Evernote.

    Use cases (I recognize Evernote currently supports some of these features in a container):

    • Combined typing / handwriting / sketching / formulas /diagrams
    • Taking a photo / embedding an image and writing markup in the middle of the page
    • Importing PDFs and annotating them in context outside of the note
    • Sketch noting during meetings and presentations

    I expected better results when Evernote bought Penultimate. I am terribly disappointed. 

    • Like 4
  7. On 5/20/2019 at 7:28 AM, jefito said:


    Other stuff:

    • including multiple, and excluding notebooks has been another longstanding request.
    • Iterative filtering would also be useful where it's missing. You can certainly do that in the Windows and Android applications, at least to a certain extent.
    • The tag/ notebook dichotomy is well-known to experienced Evernoters. Short form, tags categorize, notebooks partition. Beyond that, how ou use those properties is up to the individual user.


    Thanks for the link to advanced search. I read that both tag: and -tag: are supported. Is it possible that -notebook: could also be supported? Probably not, but would be helpful. Also, can notebook: also be used for stacks? Then if we move notebooks into the same stack we would be able to exclude the entire stack from search.

    Thanks for the reminder of other outstanding requests. I’m looking into what people have suggested before posting my own ideas  


  8. I switched to Evernote when I traded my Windows laptop for a MacBook back in 2009. On Windows I had grown fond of OneNote, and at the time, OneNote didn't exist for Mac. Now it does, and I'm seriously considering switching back. Reasons: formatting, drawing, add notes anywhere on a page, and PRINTING.

    It's sad that Apple hasn't provided basic print margin setup in its OS. Then the feature would be available to every app that allows printing.

  9. There have been numerous discussion topics started, and I tried to search this forum for an existing idea to upvote but searching the forums can not be restricted to a specific topic. 

    Earlier discussions (attached) mention the design for the search index to search for beginning of strings to protect performance. However, many times we know partial patterns (like the middle or end of an ID number), and search doesn’t return anything. 

    Such a search feature should be available, but require a check box or toggle. Then we could have a performant search AND a full character search available for use.



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