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Posts posted by Guy677

  1. 15 hours ago, gazumped said:

    Hi.  You're currently using a free account which has some limitations on the number of devices used to access your notes. If you abide by those restrictions you can continue to use the service for free.  No credit card is required - and you should have free access to your account details to remove it if for some reason you have already submitted it.  For information:  we're mainly users here,  so have no interest in whether or not you subscribe at any time.

    Understanding the device limit

    How to manage your Evernote subscription



    Thank you

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  2. Hey, 

    I am not happy that my Evernote account needs to "upgrade" in order for me to check on my saved notes, if you guys want more subscribers you shouldn't try to force them in that way, you could deactivate the function of creating new notes or uploading files instead of blocking the user from accessing there saved notes which is a disgusting strategy.   

    Proton Mail also uses a very similar strategy with the subscriptions and that's why I also don't subscribe to them, I used to be a supporter but since I figured that out, they lost my support and respect for the company.  

    I sent a email to Evernote, they are trying to charge my credit card every time they see the possibility, I am unable to remove the credit card and they haven't replied to my email, it's been 3+ weeks, disgusting company definitively, change my mind if your not what your actions have shown me. 


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