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Everything posted by snajdov

  1. Hey, @PinkElephant. I don't know if you live inside this forum or not, but you know you don't have to reply to every message to share your opinion on matters you've only half understood? I'm not impressed that you have 22k posts, with all this ***** posting... If you know anything about how front-end clients work, you'll know that we already have direct access to the code, because Evernote has to serve it to us, for OUR computers to execute it. We can see the code, we can execute it, we can change it, and we can call functions. I just want "unhashed" or a *limited* set of aliased function names with limited access to them, so that they don't change on every version. Every time we click, OUR computer calls those functions, locally on our computer. I just want to tie that function call with a consistent function name, so it's worth the effort. In the end, it's up to Evernote to decide what is safe and acceptable for them, not you... I'm expressing my POV, how this affects me, and MY thoughts on MY next steps forward. I know that one user is not enough to move the rock. Stop explaining the obvious. They are already developing and supporting it. We want the Web version's SDK... I want this topic to be a discussion with opinions on what COULD be done, not your sorry-ass shitposting. So, STFU if you don't have an idea that could help us.
  2. I agree with this. My thoughts so far on the three requests are these: We can enable global shortcuts easily if Evernote would be willing to give us the uncompiled front-end code (i.e. before all function names are garbled up). Or, at least give us consistent function names for a limited number of actions to perform. If we don't get it, then every version will have newly hashed function names, and the integration will fail If we try to query some of the elements and simulate clicks on them, it's just a matter of time before that fails, as well Limited access or aliased functions would also be fine. I believe we can simulate the quick note option on our own, so no Evernote support is needed. This just ties in with the access to the front-end code in (1). About the right-click context menus: I believe that since Evernote is supporting the Web version, it will be a great thing if they could take care of it. All Web version users (of which there are many), would benefit from it. And, again, if we do it on our own, granted access to (1) is imperative. So, essentially, the way I see it is that if Evernote would be willing to give us consistent access to functions for creating notes/notebooks/stacks/... on the front end (say an SDK for the local JavaScript), I believe that everything will be done, quickly. I'm willing to support a version if I don't have to break my back to do it. Otherwise, no game. My time is too valuable to me, and I'm already paying them a yearly subscription. A final note from me So far, using all channels I could find to address this issue, Evernote has not given me any response. I hate to say it, but I'll probably switch to another system. I have until March/April when my subscription renews to think about it. I got used to Evernote so much, but I'm not willing to give them money if half of my daily workflows are cut from me. I've already looked into Obsidian, Logseq, and Tana, and I'll search for others. Either Evernote becomes willing to help us out a little, or it's farewell from me.
  3. I appreciate the help, everyone! I guess I'll have to plan my next steps...
  4. Thanks for the contacts, @gazumped! I just sent them my request. I understand that this is not a priority, but if it's possible to have this in 5-6 months' time, I'd be happy to continue with my subscription. I'm just writing my thoughts here, in case someone from Evernote comes by this thread and reads it. Without these, I'd be forced to look for alternatives. Like I said earlier, there's no point in paying double for half the features. In any case, thank you for the discussion (you also @PinkElephant)! I hope the Evernote team now has a better picture of what the Linux user faces. I also hope someone else from the Linux community comes by and shares their thoughts on this, as well.
  5. Whether or not they'll be interested in supporting this in the near future. Sorry, I'm new on this forum. I thought this: "Product Feedback/Feature Requests" is a suitable place to ask for new Evernote features. You both mention "Support", but what exactly do you mean? Email or some other site? The option to leave feedback has been removed from the latest Linux version. Any other link I could do it at?
  6. I understand your point. And you're right about the business perspective. But then again, this is a feature "request", and my reasoning behind why people like me would like to have it. They can ignore it, I'm just explaining my POV and why without these it'd probably make me move beyond Evernote. There's no point in paying double the amount with the new increase, for half the features. As for the other things: They probably do, but what's the point in having Evernote if you need to "move a mountain" to access it? I'm not going to run a VM in parallel to use it, nor spin one up whenever I need to write something. Of course. I'm just mentioning this because with these features in place, everyone will get it (even Linux users) and they wouldn't need to do a per-OS customization (like they do right now with MacOS and Windows). If anything, they'll reduce the resources needed for cross-platform support, if they provide them in a single unified way supported by all OSs'. In the end, it's up to them to decide. Again, please treat this as a "request". Whether it is good or bad, reasonable or not, I'd like it to be shown here.
  7. I disagree with this. It's quite possible to have personalized keyboard shortcuts and context menus and have them prioritized over those of the browser. This is done by listening to the `keyup` and/or `keydown` events, and calling: `event.preventDefault()` and/or `event.stopPropagation()`. There are certain reserved keyboard shortcuts like `CTRL+N` that I mentioned earlier, but there's no problem with using `CTRL+SHIFT+N` (at least available in Firefox), or just using other generally available shortcuts for all browsers. (I'll be happy to learn/adapt to new ones) Context menus (right-clicks) can be built and stylized completely, with no restrictions, using the `contextmenu` event. This has always been available, and I don't know why Evernote doesn't use it. They can basically map all the actions AND have custom styling consistent with their UI. Because of the mental context-switching you're doing with the extra steps. I have four virtual desktops, each dedicated for certain things. One of those is just for Evernote, which I always have it open in that virtual desktop. When I'm working in another virtual desktop, I'd like to quickly jot down a note (in a few seconds), and get back to work straight away. Sometimes I'm writing something about what I'm currently seeing, and the Quick Note enables me unobstructed view to see and write at the same time. Switching to Evernote to write down the note will require that I: 1. Open another window, or in my case, move to another virtual desktop 2. If I'm writing about something I'm currently viewing, I'd have to go back and forth between views, to finish writing my idea 3. In Evernote, I'd have to navigate to the Default Notebook (because that's where I want to store all my unprocessed notes) 4. And click to create a new note With these actions, I've already defocused from my work (I'm exaggerating here, but you get my point). The Quick Note feature is a LOT better, faster, and easier to access. The will work OK if you're working in the browser. But usually, I'm on my IDE, drawing diagrams offline, or just in my file system browsing other files. The value of using Quick Notes from ANYWHERE is invaluable to me. We can't ignore that without these features, Evernote has taken a huge step backward for Linux users. Enough, for me not to continue with a paid plan. But, like I said, I'd be willing to even support an unofficial Electron-based solution with the right support, before canceling my subscription.
  8. I got the official email that the support for the Linux Electron desktop version has ended. I am a Linux user, and switching to Windows or MacOS is not an option for me, so I'll have to use the web version. I thought about using a VM, but it's just too resource-intensive to use it only for Evernote. I tried using Wine to run the Windows executable on Linux, but the experience was awful. The whole app lagged, context menus are shown as black boxes until you hover over them. This leaves me to use the Web version, which currently is missing a few key features for me: 1. No keyboard shortcuts I like using keyboard shortcuts to create new (notes/notebooks/tags/tasks), select multiple notes, and access other areas of the app. Currently, on the web version, if I use CTRL+N, Chrome opens a new tab, instead of creating a new Note. The icon for the keyboard shortcuts is missing, so I'm left with using my mouse to select the actions. 2. No right-click (context) menus I really like to be able to right-click a note and have options such as: duplicate, move, merge, share, email a copy, and export to PDF. Especially if I have multiple notes selected. Currently, right-clicking on Chrome shows the default Chrome context menu. 3. Quick Note This is the feature that has helped me become at least 2x more productive. Whenever an idea popped up in my head, I just did CTRL+ALT+E and wrote it down. I didn't even need to open Evernote. This is really important for a lot of people. I know this may be impossible to implement as part of the Web version, but please: - At least provide a mini desktop app, just for this purpose, and then we can continue with the Web version. I'm currently using the Personal plan. I know the price has increased for the subscription. I don't mind the increase, but without these key features for me, I don't think I'm getting the "bang for my buck". I don't think any Linux user will be willing to pay without these features. I really hope I get an answer to this. I'm a programmer and will be also willing to code these features with Electron, by emulating the Web version and adding these on top. I have started this in private, but support and documentation from the Evernote team will really help me to provide this for my fellow Linux community.
  9. This is a good point. It doesn't solve the "Suggested Template" issue, but it's worth a try. I'll try this, as well. Thanks for the feedback, Mike! These are great, but I still think we should push to get this built into Evernote. I think they can add it pretty much without any problems, and it shouldn't conflict with their existing architecture. It's basically a special way for "storing" and "duplicating" notes, things they already support. Just imagine: you open a new note and tap the template, instead of navigating through other Notes and Notebooks to achieve this. @EvernoteTeam are you reading this? P.S. Please at least provide updates for the AppImage with Electron for Linux.
  10. I have templates that I constantly improve with new ideas. Currently, in order to edit an existing template, I need to create a new note, save it as a template, and then delete the old one. Another thing is, in order to access the "Template Gallery" you have to create a new Note, which I think is neither fast nor intuitive. That's why I would suggest to: - Create a separate "Templates View" or a special "Templates Notebook" where all templates will be stored, and just go there and edit it directly. - This will prove a fast way to access the "Gallery", and also a fast way to edit them. Also, I'd like to have those custom templates pop up in the "Suggested Templates" when you create a new empty Note. I believe that'll save tons of time for all users. What do you think? Am I missing something? (I use the Linux Desktop Beta version)
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