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Posts posted by ninjakreborn

  1. Over the years I Have gone back and forth a lot between the two. Sometimes I go to OneNote a few months or a year then switch back. I am switching back and I think permanently this time because of all the improvements they have made to evernote. One thing I noticed which is driving me crazy is there is no right click context menu. I tried to right click and hit "New note" and there's no menu at all. Was this taken out or does it just have to be turned on. 

  2. I use Evernote for A LOT (practically everything).

    One thing I started using it for recently is "Code Snippet" database. I have a main folder called "Code Snippets". Then I have folders in their for each language. Then on the pages I have a note for each "Snippet" with one section called "Notes" and one called "Code". The code has just one table cell, and I put all my code in there..and it looks like


    tags from a forum, without the syntax highlighting. But the entire situation works

    great for me.

    Now, I want to setup another notebok within code snippet called "Code Vault". Where I was going to throw all my "Code Files". If it was an actual site, I would put it in a zip file. I know those can't be searched, but if I have some situations where it's just a few PHP files, and I load them as attachments..can Evernote search those? Meaning if I have a straight .php file attached, and then run a search on Evernote..will it search the text within that .php file (or .htm, or .js, or .css for that matter), or not?

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