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Mykola D

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  1. @PinkElephant, you comment and suggest things without understanding what people are saying and asking. Your search query for encrypted notes is handy but I've never needed this and never used it, and it is not what I need. I used to be able to open an encrypted note and, while the text was shown to me, I was able to search inside that note, including inside that shown encrypted text. That's why this is irrelevant and I'm surprised that anyone could even imagine this would add any value to this conversation: "You can’t search inside of the encrypted section - it would contradict the encryption if the content would be available in plain text in a search index". Again, both mobile and computer versions of the application used to allow us to open the encrypted part of the note (by entering the password & decrypting for viewing), and immediately being able to search inside the encrypted section. It is about searching inside the note, not among the notes. Also both versions supported editing/updating the encrypted portions of the notes. Both editing and searching inside the encrypted part of the notes were removed, and instead someone from Evernote suggested to manually decrypt and then re-encrypt the notes when you simply need to update/edit something in the encrypted part. We just lost a feature when Evernote did that for me seamlessly and automatically with no downsides. Instead of being able to search inside the encrypted part of the note Evernote suggests what exactly? Search with your eyes, even if it's hundreds of lines of encrypted text. Great customer focus, great product and feature management. I'm happy to report that Microsoft OneNote now has this covered and I moved my encrypted notes to OneNote. I'm looking forward to the time when I discontinue to be a paying customer of Evernote because this is a deal breaker for me, and I don't want to be treated like this.
  2. I updated my Mac app to Version 10 just now, and I am appalled. I'm editing encrypted notes daily. Some of my encrypted texts are huge, and they have formatting inside of them. Requiring me to decrypt the entire note every time I want to add something to it is: a huge security risk - my note will be stored unencrypted for some time while I'm editing it, and I might forget to encrypt it back, or I lose connection or the app crashes or something similar, an additional unnecessary number of actions, that provide zero value, worsen my user experience for no reason. Also, I used to search inside the encrypted text. Routinely! Both on Mac app and on Android app. The feature is gone on both! Search is now blind to the contents of the currently decrypted/displayed text. Is that what you call an improvement and "by design"? Both features are gone. "By design!?" Seriously? You've been "evaluating this change" since November 2020? How is this evaluation going so far? I've been a paying customer for a number of years and I've brought so many friends and colleagues to the app. Now I'm installing OneNote on all of my devices. This must be fixed immediately if you want to keep me and people like me as a customer. Thank you for your attention.
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